Chapter 2: Convincing the Twins

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Chapter 2: Convincing the Twins.

    Demi was scared. Class had ended and her and Heather had gotten into the private elevator that led to the top floor of the student dorms, where the luxury dorms were. A fancy orchestral version of Shadow High's theme song, 'School Across the Street' was blaring from the elevator speakers, a constant reminder that Shadow High was superior to Rainbow High.
    Having private meetings with the Twins was very unusual for underclassmen to ever experience. Heather was very lucky that they actually respected her, because if they didn't, they would see her just like they saw the other first-years: as inferior to them in every way.
    After getting off the elevator and going to the end of a long hallway, they finally got to the dorm. The names Naomi Storm and Veronica Storm were spelled out in pure silver on an iridescent black marble plaque next to the big shiny silver doors that led into their dorm.
    Heather nervously knocked on the doors, and as soon as her hand made contact with the doors, she heard Naomi scream "What do you want, Heather?! This had better be important enough to warrent our attention!" And with that, the doors automatically opened to the living room area of their dorm.
Demi knew that the Storm Twins were rich and made a lot of money from their tv show, "Wonder Models", as well as an active modeling career, but their dorm was more lavishly decorated than the finest Victorian homes back in her Monster High world. The furniture was all done in black marble and silver, and the iridescent velvet drapes that covered the windows had a beautiful gradient of deep purple and turquoise. The couch next to the silver table at the center of the room was covered in the same fabric as the drapes.
    In the next room that they could see into were the Storm Twins' dressing room vanities from their time acting on the "Wonder Models" show, with their names shown in silver. Heather knew that the drawers of those vanities were full of fanmail and fanart from fans of the show. On the wall across from the vanities was a shelf of trophies and other acting and modeling awards with a big portrait of the Twins in a silver frame in the center of it.
    Suddenly, Naomi appeared behind Heather and adressed her, looking perfect per usual, one of her ridiculously soft fur coat sleeves rubbing against Heather's arm. Veronica then stood by her sister's side and eyed them suspiciously as she popped her gum, her long dark ponytails moving behind her.
    "This had better be important, Heather. Spill.", Naomi commanded, her voice echoing with the high ceilings of the room.
    "And what is Demi doing here? I thought only you were coming, Heather...", Veronica sarcastically mused.
    Heather sighed, "This may sound insane, but Demi and I need funding for a personal project. It involves dimensional travel and must be kept secret from the rest of the Shadow High student body. Demi can explain better than I can and she has something important to tell you about it."
    "Well Heather, what do you have to say for yourself? We know about your conspiracy theories, how can you be certain this is even real?", Veronica asked sarcastically.
    Heather sighed as she pulled out her evidence from her bag: the Monster High VHS that her grandfather had sent her in the mail (it was one of her most prized possessions in her lost media collection), and a collection of Shadow High yearbooks dating back several decades with Demi's picture clearly indicated in all of them with very minor changes.
    Heather then turned to Demi, "Its your turn to explain, just tell them the information that you told me."
    Demi looked the twins in the eyes as she she stated, "I know you don't believe it, but dimensional travel does exist. I did it back in 2016, when the Monster High reboot was occuring. That cursed mirror in the attic is actually a portal to another dimension: Monster High, and I am working to activate that mirror portal again with the funds. I am a vampire from the Monster High dimension, Elissabat, who has been hiding out in your school for decades."
     Heather then proceeded to let the Twins flip through the marked pages in the yearbooks as well as observe the Monster High label on the VHS tape.
    The Twins then began to pace a bit, clearly deep in thought, their stileto heels making noise against the shiny black marble floor.
    "Why would we believe you? You are literally a film focus, Demi. Clearly you are just acting.", Naomi sighed.
    Veronica added, "But you know, Naomi, vampires can't see their own reflections in mirrors. If you really are a vampire, go look in one of the mirrors in our personal dressing room. We will be watching the whole time."
    Demi nodded as she stepped up to Naomi's vanity and looked at the blank surface of the mirror. Her reflection did not stare back at her. She saw through the mirror as the Twins' faces paled with shock at the situation in front of them.
    "So you really are a vampire!?", the Twins said in unison, clearly surprised by what they were seeing.
    Demi nodded, "So does that prove that I'm a vampire now? Is the Portal Project worthy of your attention now?"
    Naomi quickly fetched her clutch purse and gave Demi the check with the money needed for the project, but she warned her, "If the Portal Project fails or ends up being a hoax, we will personally sue you for any funds that we gave you. Now leave."
    Once they had gathered Heather's evidence and left the dorm, Heather and Demi high-fived. "We did it! I can't believe we actually got the funding!", Demi exclaimed.
    "Actually you did it with the mirror thing. I have never seen them so shocked like that before.", Heather said, laughing to herself a little bit. Demi almost thought that she heard Draculaura's voice in her head as well, congratulating her, but she wasn't sure if it was real or an auditory illusion.

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