~January 5, 2023~

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Okay so I got TEAAAAA on K x R.

While me and K were walking to lunch, I happened to be walking super fast and ended up being very close to R and his friends with K to my left and R & his friends to my right.

Since the hall was very crowded, I couldn't get away from them very easily (not like I cared to or wanted to anyway).

Once me and K were closer to the lunchroom, I saw one of my friends on another team and wanted to ask them about something choir related.

I ended up falling behind, even if only a few seconds, and had to book it to the lunchroom. I called out K's name to make sure she knew where I was and I saw her literally almost right in front of R.

She stopped so that way I could catch up with her and R ended up walking past VERY close to her. K said that was the closest she had ever physically been to him.

Once we got to our booth, I started profusely apologizing 😭

But wait, there's more because of course there is.

K, R, and I all share a math class together and we had a very young and inexperienced substitute teacher for today. He had us do some simple work and then gave us free time.

During said free time, a lot of kids moved around and R ended up sitting at the table pod next to K's.

I went up to K and asked "Are you okay right now?" completely out of context and I don't think she got what I meant and was like "Yeah."

I then redirected my eyes in the direction of where R was sitting for a moment then back onto K.

K finally got what I meant and said "You did not just do that."

What an interesting day for K x R, let's hope D x S also have their time to shine soon.

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