~March 9, 2023~

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OKOKOKOK so I got some exciting news. There's two people in my choir, Earth and Fire is what I'll call them. They're friends. We had rehearsal today and Earth told me that they have a crush on Fire. I noticed them being all cute.

A little late into the rehearsal, Earth, Fire, and I were all alone in the choir room. Fire said to me "It's not a gay thing, but you're so pretty." That then turned into all of us talking about our sexualities. Earth is biromantic and Fire is pan. When Earth found that out, he looked at me wide-eyed, slightly blushing. Earth is a demi-boy, so hearing that him and Fire might actually have a chance together made him happy.

I looked at Earth back, smirking. Then Fire looked at me and mouthed "I know."



They anchored for the announcements today and it just so happens that some girls came into the studio to talk about the major county basketball game tonight. Some of the 8th graders saw K and C together, chatting and then one of them whispered to another, "They'd make a cute couple." K heard all of that and told me about it. I was upset to say the least, since I've had something similar happen to me (getting shipped with a close friend of mine just because I'm a girl and he's a boy). K and C aren't even that close either, they're just casual friends and work partners.

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