~March 16, 2023~

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More funny stuff. This time reigniting an old flame, C x M.

So during lunch today, I was showing The Treasurer some really ugly photos of myself from last year and I said "I look so disgusting here." C heard me say that and might've saw one of the photos as well from the other lunch table. He turned to The Treasurer and I and said "Here's something really disgusting." (implying that I wasn't disgusting back in the day, which is nice). C showed us an absolutely disgusting lunch tray with moldy(?) bread and a mix of so many different sides. It looked horrendous. He then looked at me directly and said "You have one burden (referring to the tray), keep it or double it and give it to the next person?" I chose to double it. He turned to The Treasurer and said the same thing. She also chose to double it. Then, he turned to M and said "You're keeping it, you have no choice." He gave her the tray. M then THREW IT AT C AND IT GOT ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND HIS PANTS.

His entire lunch table tried to pressure M into cleaning up the mess (she refused) which involved C telling her to "Get the f over here." Even I tried to pressure her. She ended up giving in and was gonna go get a broom. C's lunch table kept telling him to snitch and even I thought he was going to. BUT THEN, he told her that they'd clean it up TOGETHER and got everything they needed to clean the mess up TOGETHER. By this point, I was laughing so hard that one of the people at my table told me to shut up.

They cleaned the mess up together and everyone, myself and even M included, were confused as to why C decided not to snitch and clean the mess up with M.

For the rest of the day, I joked that I turned into a Weezer (because of how hard I was laughing)

OH and during enrichment, C brought up F to me for the first time since that November conversation I mentioned about two months ago. C made a joke with a friend about God and queer ppl (he's pan, that's been firmly established at this point. he's also not religious) and M called him, jokingly, homophobic. He was like "Where did that come from?" and then he started talking about him having "gay friends." Then he corrected himself to "friend" and said F. He said "F is my only gay friend. He's also trans. M, do you know who I'm talking about?" She said no. He replied with, "I know *inserts my real name* knows who I'm talking about." and confirmed that. C knows I'm friends with F and has since before we even became friends.

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