~January 12, 2023~

10 0 0

More of K and B being besties and also K making eye contact with R. D also talked with S for a long ass time.

BUT, it gets weird because I third wheeled A BUNCH on the way to the bused today.

So first there was K and B talking with me literally right behind them, then I slowed down and sped up and ended up right next to F and C (I mentioned them a while ago, I'm not matchmaking them). Not to mention I saw a couple that were in my 6th grade class as well.

Anyways I need to figure out how to matchmake K and B, which will be easy. I'm thinking maybe I can first befriend B, then do something for ALL of the matches. I'll put it in tomorrow's entry but I'm excited ;)

Matchmaker 101Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt