~January 30, 2023~

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I thirdwheeled C and M a LOT today, which kinda solidified their liking for each other in my eyes. At first, I was questioning the ethics of what I was doing, since I don't 110% know for a FACT that C and M like each other. That concern is out the window now after today.


1. Me walking with M from lunch and intentionally moving closer to C.

2. C following M into the studio where I also was and C calling himself the "assistant director" (I was the actual director but whatever).

3. C and M being near the trash can at the same time during 6th period and being SUSPICIOUSLY close to each other.

4. C and M standing right by the door together at the end of 7th period and me being LITERAL INCHES AWAY FROM THEM.

K and I are both their biggest shippers. We even got one of our other friends, I'll call her Morgan, to join in. When us 3 are talking about C and M with other people around, we'll call them by fake names. Morgan, K, and I talked about C and M for basically the entirety of 4th period. Morgan, who's an artist, even said that she'd make OCs based off of C and M and I'm absolutely down for it.

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