~March 15, 2023~

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So something VERY funny happened today.

My whole team had to go to the auditorium at the end of the day. O was sitting in the row in front of me slightly to my right. He turned around and said "I wanna swap seats with you. Can we swap seats?" I said no, cuz I was sitting by a close friend already. He replied with "I wanna sit by *inserts name of his friend*" (I was next to his friend). Then I said "No, but I can act as communication." and he said "You don't understand, it's too personal. I have a crush on him."

Now, with me typing this, it may seem like he was being genuine BUT it was different irl. The tone of his voice made it obvious that O was just throwing whatever might stick to the wall in order to get me to swap  seats with him. Also, why would he tell me of all people who he has a crush on? We aren't friends, we've only talked about 3/4 times this whole school year.

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