~February 18, 2023~

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Anyways, I didn't expect anything to happen today, since it's a Saturday, BUT NO. Something major happened.

One of my friends on another team, I'll call her L, randomly messaged me on Instagram asking me if I knew a specific boy, who I'll call Y. I said yes, since I have social studies with him. She then told me that she found him cute, but that her friend told her he was a perv.

Now, you see, I used to sit at the same table as Y during social studies. I heard his conversations all the time and not once did I hear anything  p e r v e r t e d  come out of his mouth. That doesn't mean he isn't a perv, but I just haven't heard or seen anything to back that claim up. So I told L that I had no way to prove anything.

I'll add them to my ships list, but I might need to do some digging into the rumor of Y being a perv and figure out whether or not it's true before actually going into the matchmaking.

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