~January 6, 2023~

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Another important day for K x R, except it's more so about my involvement in matchmaking.

For starters, we moved seats today and R sits at the table right in front of K and I, so that's a bonus (his gf sits right next to him)

Now for the more important thing, I may or may not be a part of one of R's groups now????

So for starters, I share reading and math class with R and K. We are HA kids and so we all have those classes together at the same time. Most of R's friends (+ his gf) aren't in HA, so his friend group in that class is just the rest of the boys.

Well, today in reading class, during free time, two of the boys individually asked me to check my email. I checked it and realized that one of the boys had forwarded a conversation that they'd had to me. This conversation was just them goofing off and had absolutely nothing to do with me. I am the only person that got forwarded that conversation, to my knowledge, and I'm a bit confused.

I'll ask about it on Monday at the beginning of the day (the boy that forwarded the email conversation to me is in my first period class), since I think the intention was to add me to the email chain instead of forwarding it to me.

If that was in fact the intent behind forwarding the email to me, either one or some of them consider me a friend or want me to be in their circle. That will be huge in getting my job done as well as forming friendships. I'm excited about this.

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