~March 7, 2023~

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I had a choir rehearsal today. After the rehearsal, I waked to the busses with F. For those who don't remember, F is C's best friend who has a massive crush on him. F told me that they got back into our school's enrichment and that they'd be signing up for the announcement club, just like C and I. I expressed happiness in the moment and said "You might be in there with me again." (We were in announcements together for the entire 1st quarter this year). F replied with, "Well I'm mostly doing it for *insert C's real name* but yeah."

However, I'm much more worried than I am happy.

You see, F's crush on C looks a heck of a lot like an obsession. My peers have told me this when I mentioned doing favors for F TWICE involving communication between them and C. C HIMSELF ADMITTED THIS TO ME.

The thought of those two being together in the same, 40-something minute long period scares the living crap out of me. I know F's behavior and a part of me wonders how uncomfortable C is with all of it.

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