~February 26, 2023~

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Nothing happened, BUT I now have a much more in depth understanding of how my proudness and gaydar work.

In simple terms, the proudness, whether it be for a platonic friendship or a romantic relationship, comes from a place of admiration for the pair. It also makes me feel like a guardian angel of sorts, like I'm watching over them. It's odd, ik.

My gaydar, on the other hand, is all over the place. It's like an alarm almost. While it doesn't allow me to recognize that two people of the same gender like each other or are dating, it does allow me to spot fellow LGBTQ people in a duo/group. Take C and O for example; while they aren't in a relationship nor do they like each other, they're both queer and VERY affectionate with one another which is why my gaydar went off with them. C and O is actually the first time it ever happened. Although I already knew that C was pansexual when my gaydar started signaling, I did not know that O was bisexual until afterward.

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