{63} ヤンデレ {63}

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Istg if one person comments "finally" or anything having to do with the fact that it took almost a month to upload this chapter then I'll actually discontinue it. I've been working two jobs while trying to focus on my graduation and the comments of ppl continuously asking for updates isn't helping with the amount of stress i'm under.

~No One's POV~

"I already knew about Kokonoi and Sanzu's involvement" Ran continued, "It's not like I can do much against them considering that they're an important asset to Mikey." Ran said as him and Rindou rode up the elevator together. "Even so....I seriously don't like those guys"

Rindou crossed his arms. "Putting up with people that we don't like practically comes with our job title so there's little that we can do to change that. Anyways, how's your wound healing?" He asked as he glanced down at his brothers torso. "It's healing perfectly fine, I'm not concerned about it in the slightest"

"I still don't understand how you can be so calm, she did try to kill you after all" Rindou said with a small glare that his older brother simply ignored. "No she didn't. If you're trying to kill someone then you kill them, otherwise you give them a wound that's not fatal. Something to slow them down so that you can do whatever you need to do" He stated causing Rindou's eyes to widen slightly, "So that's why you're not angry? Because she didn't actually try to take your life?"

Ran shrugged, "Let's just say that I have the patience of a saint" he mumbled while keeping his eyes on the door. "Ah yes I can see that"

Rindou sighed, "So what's your reason for bringing me here again?" He questioned before chuckling lightly, "Not that I mind being in my older brothers home but usually you have a reason for us to meet there" he said and Ran glanced down at his brother. "Could.....you talk to Y/N?"

Rindou's eyes widened slightly, "Talk to her? Whatever do you mean?" He asked and Ran sighed as the door finally opened up after what seemed like an eternity. "She won't speak to me, she won't eat or drink, she hardly moves, and there's something off about the way she's staring off at the wall" he said causing Rindou's eyes to widen slightly as he stared at the back of the males head. "What the hell happened?"

It hadn't been long at all since Ran had gotten stabbed so to think that something else could've happened in that short period of time had started to worry him.

"I don't know"

Rindou began walking down the hallway and towards Ran's bedroom where the girl was currently sleeping. "I think it would be better if you stayed outside of the bedroom while I speak to her" the younger Haitani said as they stood right outside of the door. "and why would I do that?" Ran questioned with slight irritation at his brothers words, clearly not liking the idea of not being included in whatever conversation they may have. "I just think it might be easier on her if you're not in the room."

Ran raised a brow, "And what is that supposed to mean?" he questioned and Rindou sighed, "I'm trying to help you out here so please just do as I ask, brother"

Ran stared at him for a couple of seconds before letting out a small sigh, "Fine but I'm waiting right outside. If you don't come back out in 10 minutes then I'm coming in" he stated and Rindou shrugged, "That's fine by me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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