Chapter 3

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*Fanfiction based on Avatar 2: The Way of Water by James Cameron..... I do not own any of the characters!*

Lo'ak's long legs gave him wide strides, his hands traced the smooth bark of the tree as he climbed past the large roots. As if he were stalking down prey he followed the faint trails she left behind. Lo'ak let himself gaze at the environment around him, the plants and food that grew on this island were much different compared to the ones grown in the Omatikayan jungles. The boy hesitated to turn the corner of the tree as he spotted the girl in the close distance. She stood over a waterfall that poured out into the open ocean just by a secluded cliff. This area wasn't unfamiliar to him, she's taken him up here a few times, however, they had never been on this part of the island alone together. This would make it the first time. Lo'ak now contemplated whether it was right or not for him to have followed her.

He'd click his head from leaning on either side of his neck followed by a brief exhale before stepping forward from the tree's cover.

Tsireya's head snapped in the direction of the approaching footsteps, her expression relaxed into a pleasant one when seeing who it had been. A smile touched her lips as she made steps to come face to face with the boy walking towards her. Her hands reached out for his arms, he too gently took grasp of her lower elbow.

"Hey." His voice came out gentle as he greeted her with a nod.

Tsireya sent him a smile, her dimple on display. She was clearly happy to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, well I..." Lo'ak continued, attempting to make something up on the spot, "Just found myself in the area."

Tsireya giggled at his questionable answer.

"And you?" He spoke up, "What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would follow me, so I came here." Tsireya smiled up at him. The boy's expression was caught off guard, he felt stumbled for words at her reply.

Lo'ak cleared his throat and looked off to the side. She chuckled at him, pulling him closer toward her. Her hands traced down to his wrist, and her head looked down at his fingers. Tsireya stared, fascinated by his features. Her fingers wrapped around his pinkie as she held his hand, which was much larger in comparison to her own.

"This hand..." Tsireya continued, "Has gotten bigger compared to the last time I held it like this."

The girl looked up and was met with his eyes that stared intently down at her.

"Do you remember?" She tilted her head to the side. Her manner was slightly shy.

"How could I forget?" Lo'ak replied. That day he was scolded by Tonowari, Tsireya comforted him by the shoreline. In that moment, she held him similar to how she was holding him now. Lo'ak had never had someone as patient and soft as Tsireya was with him, and he was very aware of this. Over the course of knowing her, no one could blame him of the feelings he would begin to develop over time. It was inevitable. From the very beginning the girl caught his eye, and despite his troublesome nature she found herself just as fascinated towards him. That night following his scolding after bonding with Payakan, was the first time Lo'ak had ever been given the words, 'I see you.' Those words given by the girl who stood before him.

Tsireya blushed, smiling softly towards the ground. She could barely hold eye contact with the boy. "Come." Tsireya spoke, and pulled on Lo'ak's arm playfully. She guided him down the rocks by the cliff which lead to a secluded cave with the view of the ocean's horizon. A waterfall camoflauged the cave's entrance.

"It feels like i'm exploring the island all over again."

"Haha, it does seem that why doesn't it. There are always new things to find on these islands."

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