Chapter 13

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*Fanfiction based on Avatar 2: The Way of Water by James Cameron..... I do not own any of the characters!*

"I am Reutey, it is a pleasure to meet you." Ruetey gestured his hand to his forehead in greeting the girl. She lowered her head slightly and as well introduced herself to him.

"Tsireya." The girl smiled kindly at the boy. Lo'ak cringed to himself watching the two interact.

Meanwhile, Kiri looked up to the sky, her eyes blinking as the rain continued to lightly pour over them.

"At this point, we will be down here forever if we wait for the rain to stop." Kiri spoke out.

Lo'ak looked over and replied quickly, "Perfect, the rain will give us good cover for the hunt."

"The hunt? Who died to make you chief?" Kiri scoffed at her brother giving orders.

"Nobody." Lo'ak scowled at her, "I don't see anything wrong with bringing back some food for the clan." The boy rolled his eyes at his sister. "Alright, let's go."

Tuk followed her brother as Kiri trailed slightly behind the two.

"Tsireya." Lo'ak called out to the girl whose attention was drawn toward Ruetey. Her head snapped to the direction of her voice being called, and she hurried next to her partner.

The four of them walked together, Tsireya and Lo'ak side by side as Tuk and Kiri tagged behind. They tread on the soaked bark under their feet, the thick branches gave enough support to help them travel through the forest. There was a peaceful silence among them, something about the natural sounds of the forest and rain seemed calming.

"So what were you two talking about?" Lo'ak spoke up as he looked to the ground, looking down to where his next foot would land.

Tsireya looked up at him to her side as they walked, "Ruetey and I?" Her voice sounded sweet. Lo'ak nodded in reply. "He asked me what life is like in the reefs."


"He is very nice." Tsireya smiled. Lo'ak looked down at her from the corner of his eyes. His tail flicked slightly.

"Yeah," Lo'ak huffed in a chuckle, "Did you see the way he leaned close to you," the boy mocked Ruetey and imitated the way he had leaned toward Tsireya. The girl gave him a scowled expression. "He looked like an idiot."

Before the girl could speak up Lo'ak hushed her and stopped in his tracks, bringing his index to his lips to signal to the rest of the girls. He pointed toward the forest floor where a lone deer grazed on the ground.

The boy knelt down and reached out for his bow in his right hand. Lo'ak gestured Tuk over with his hand and assigned the bow to his younger sister. The little girl gulped and took a breath as she positioned her aim on the creature. Tsireya watched intently at the boy aiding his sister. For the past week, Lo'ak had been assigned the task to help Tuk with her hunting skills, for soon enough the younger girl would be ready to make a bond with her own Ikran.

Tuk blew out, the anxiousness was clear on her face, yet compared to her first hunt the girl had gained her own sense of confidence.

"Two eyes." Lo'ak corrected the girl who aimed with one eye.

The wild deer's ear twitched amd its head perked up to its awareness. Luckily for the teenagers, the rain blurred out the deer's senses. It wasn't long before the arrow was released, which perfectly pierced into the breathing socket of the creature. Tsireya smiled proudly at the girl who seemed pleased with her own kill.

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