Chapter 19

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*Fanfiction based on Avatar 2: The Way of Water by James Cameron..... I do not own any of the characters!*

Tsireya and Lo'ak held one another inside their hidden cove which was sheltered by the forest, the girl laughed as Lo'ak hovered over her position to plant kisses over her face and neck.

The girl did her best to hold onto him before she fell over. Suddenly Tsireya pulled him off, a soft gasp left her lips as she looked down to her stomach. Lo'ak eyes quickly fell over her, a concerned expression.

"What? What is it?" Lo'ak placed a hand over her belly, looking down to her.

"Shh." The girl hushed him as she planted her hand over his which rested over her belly. The two fell quiet.

There it was. A pressure felt in Lo'ak's palm. The two quickly caught each other's eyes, it was the baby kicking. A breathy laugh came from Lo'ak as he smiled while taking in his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Can you feel it?" Tsireya whispered, smiling up at him. Lo'ak swallowed, smiling to himself as he stood close to the girl in front of him.

"I can."

Tsireya smiled as she watched his expression. There was a pureness in the way his eyes gazed over his hand. Tsireya pulled her braid from behind her to the front of both of them, Lo'ak looked down at her hand which held it in front of him.

"Feel him." Tsireya spoke low in a soothing voice, she encouraged him to make the bond with her. Lo'ak readily pulled his own braid to the front of him, entangling himself with her.

With closed eyes his ears flicked back, as did hers. The two shared the emotional feeling of sharing the connection between one another, however, this time, there was not just two heart beats. There were three.

Lo'ak stood outside the chief's hut. His back was pressed against the woven material of the home, inside he heard the chatter of Ronal and Tonowari inside. The boy waited, waiting for the right moment until he felt it was time. Lo'ak took a sharp inhale before he turned on his heels, entering the home.

"Lo'ak... what is it boy?" Tonowari looked over to the entrance of the pod. His voice seemed calm while his expression held a steady look.

Lo'ak looked up from the ground, straightening his posture as he raised his voice to speak. His fist balled slightly whilst his tail perked up. "There is something you have to know."

Ronal raised a brow as she stood up from her squatted position on the ground.

Tsireya had confessed to her parents a few days earlier about her pregnancy, after all there was no hiding it considering how big she had gotten. Yet as she did with Lo'ak, she did not tell them the truth behind her pregnancy. And the death that came with it.

Lo'ak intended on exposing Tsireya. The secret she kept from everyone for so long was now out, so he intended on bringing out the truth behind it as well. Lo'ak was going to confess Tsireya's secrecy behind her pregnancy.

Tsireya laughed along side Kiri as they harvested fruits from the inland trees. The two recalled childhood memories that they seemed to have related to. Despite growing up in two different clans and environments, children will be children, thus experiencing the same things.

"Well when I was younger, i used to hide avery ferns in my brother's sleeping mat." Tsireya giggled fondly to herself as she reached on her toes for the pink vegetation.

Kiri laughed out whilst muffling her giggle with her hand. "I can imagine the rashes the following morning."

Tsireya's laugh faded out while a soft smile settled on her face, "Yes well, i did regret it by the morning."

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