Chapter 2

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Time skip: 100 yrs later.

'Freedom has never felt so good.' Had been what I was thinking for the last 23 years of my life. I had flown way out of range of our dragon cities, where we live in seclusion because the mortal ones, humans, try and kill us just to show that they think they are the top of the "food chain" when really those little weaklings can't even fly, or master the elements, plus if they try killing me, they have another think coming. One already tried. To his astonishmentI'm one of the very last of the old kind, dragons able to regenerate upon nearly losing their lives. I just can't tell anyone, like Scalduin, my father, they want to capture me and harness my DNA so that they have everlasting life. so sadly, against my own little rules, I had to kill him, he would have told everyone and they'd have hunted me down.
Angling over the forest, I happened to notice something that looked out of the ordinary. Diving down towards it, I realized this must be one of those (a/n autocorrect I REALLY. Want to roast you right now...) human villages, but everything was burned, and destroyed. To me what looked like a dragons work, yet there were way too many humans weapons, enlarged sharp sticks made of silver (swords), weird round things that had been destroyed that smelled like fire (cannons), burned up wooden thrower things (catapults) and from what it looked like, dead humans that looked like two separate armies. Now if I had known better, I would have thought to examine closer the symbol on the one army, but I didnt. I looked for anything silver to match my scales, or anything Sapphire to match my eyes. Sadly, no luck.
After having shifted around things for hours, I decided to move on. stretching out my wings, I took to the skies to look for a secluded clearing.
That's when I saw him....

Will it be a good one or a bad one, that is all I'm doing tonight/this morning cause I'm dead tired.
--5KY[R1M]DR4G0N signing off

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