Chapter 12

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[As for me, you have proven your mastery twice over, Thuri Dohvakiin, I gladly acknowledge the power of your Thu'um. --Odahviing]
Felyx POV
I woke up in the main cave feeling sore. 'I hope to never have to sleep on an uncomfortable floor again..' I thought, knowing it would be highly unlikely to get a king sized, or rather a dragon sized bed in here. Glancing toward the right back cave, I realized he was still sleeping. I then decided to head out and get something to eat. I crawled out of the lair, and used the stepping stones that I discovered when we first came here. 'should have told him about these, he wouldn't have nearly drowned.' I headed what looked like north-west out into the forest. After ten minutes of passing nothing but trees, I spotted a farm house. 'Bingo!' I thought. I slowly crept out of the forest towards the house. There was clean clothes hanging on the clothesline not far from the house. Making sure the coast was clear (a/n that's a weird expression because your never by a COAST LINE) I quickly grabbed a blue shirt and some jeans. I suddenly heard the shrill squeals of pigs. 'and there's our food.' I thought heading for the fenced area, where there was what looked like fifty in the pen. Quickly, I snatched one out of the pen, and ran back towards the forest hoping I don't get caught. 'hopefully he hasn't woke up yet. I want this to be a surprise.' I thought. I snagged some vines off a few trees, and quickly tied it's legs together. it squeaked and thrashed around, making it like Hell, trying to get them tight enough. Reaching the waterfall, I threw it into the lake, pulled off my new clothes and leaped in after it, grabbing it and shoving it under the water. after what felt like forever, it finally stopped struggling. I then pulled it behind me back to the shore. I climbed out of the water and dragged it up on the sand, taking my old shirt and drying myself off, I threw my new clothes back on. Picking up the pig, I crossed the stepping stones, and began crawling through the tunnel. 'plz still be sleeping, plz still be sleeping.' I repeated in my head. Sadly, he was waiting for me and he looked pissed. 'uh-oh.' I thought freezing and dropping the pig. He towered over me, and I thought I'd never seen sapphire blue eyes ever looking so dark and angry. 'now I'm in for it...' "What were you thinking, going off like that?!?" He growled, though I might say rather protectively, which was surprising. I stared up at him. "You could have got killed! And what's worse you brought a pet with you!" He added, and his stomach growled revealing how hungry he is. "What's to stop me from eating it?!?" He asked, still glaring down at me. i started laughing, and tears rolled down my face. "Look, I'm sorry I scared you, but this is clearly a dead pig. Its not a pet. it's meant to be eaten." I bent over still laughing my head off. He snorted glaring down at the pig. "what in Sky's name is a pig?" He asked sniffing at it. "um... it's an animal we humans keep in a farm..." I said slowly. His attention shifted back to me. "You went to a human settlement?!?" He scolded me as if I was his hatchling. I shrunk back, quite scared of him. Clearly, he thinks I've jeopardized him keeping hidden. 'time to do something.' "whoa! Relax! They didn't even know I was there! I snuck in there laundry which happened to be outside hanging up, then grabbed a pig so we wouldn't starve." I said, trying to calm him down. He narrowed his eyes. "Your sure they didn't see you?" He asked. "100% positive. Cross my heart." I said. "And how pray tell me, did you kill it?" He asked. "I found some vines, tied his legs up and held it under the water til it stopped struggling." I said acting like it was no big deal.

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