Chapter 16

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[lets hope I didn't put this song up twice... :/]
SilverFlame's POV
I silently left the lair to clean myself, after laying him on the floor as comfortably as I could. He didn't even stir. I hadn't even got halfway through the tunnel, which I had slightly enlarged to make it easier to get in and out from when I heard something large land right by the stream. From the sound of the big breaths it was taking I identified the species clearly: dragon. 'Sh**!' I thought, further identifying the dragon. Yes that's right. no matter how long ago you've seen them, you will ALWAYS remember the sound of your parents' breathing, if your a dragon. I quietly backed my self out of the tunnel and into the main cavern, thinking of what the heck I'm supposed to do. While I'm standing there thinking, he had woken up. I turned around just as he was stretching, about to let out a yawn before I had leaped across the cavern, planting my hand over his mouth. "quiet!" I whispered. There was immediate fear in his eyes, because as he had told me the night before how his Master would always boast of how all dragons are scared of him, how he could probably bring down the Ruler, though that would be something to see.. In truth, yes I was scared of him, I just never got to tell him that his "Master" is my father... I quickly picked him up and carried him to the back cavern. "Stay here, and don't move." I whispered, before ducking back out as I heard something crawling into the tunnel. I stood there, waiting as he fully emerged from the tunnel, baring his now human teeth in disgust at the dirt all over him. Noticing me, he growled. "Look who it is." I glared back at him. "What do you want, father?" I asked, summoning forth my anger and malice towards him. "really? You should know. I came looking for MY property." he said, unsheathing his sword, coming towards me. "And if you don't give me my property, I will kill you. Not that it matters, I'll kill you even if you give him back for even STEALING him in the first place!" He added, lunging for me. I dodged, his sword narrowly missing my side. "stealing is it, I found him in a clearing. you couldn't even take care of him, much less your own family, 115 years ago!" I yelled back at him, dodging yet another lunge and thrust from his sword. "HOW DARE YOU speak to me like that, WHELP!" He roared charging for me, and we smashed through the tunnel wall, further enlarging it, through the waterfall, and splashing into the water below. I kicked away from him, as he was groping around in the water for his sword and went back in the lair to check on him. He had come out of the back cavern and was staring wide-eyed at the large hole now made in our tunnel. "There you are. time to kill you, and take back what is mine!" My father yelled having got into the chamber. he shifted to dragon form and towered over both of us, surprisingly he could still fit in my lair with how large he is. "come on little dragonling, let's see your fight skills!" He hissed, raising one of his paws and narrowly missing us as he stomped downward. I had grabbed Felyx, and rolled us out of the way. "Silverflame! Look out!" Felyx yelled, as my dad's tail swished over our heads. I jumped over to the side when his tail came back towards me, shifting into my dragon form and biting down hard on his tail. He screamed in pain and fury, and I let go, spitting out a few of his scales and a tooth or two...

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