Chapter 14

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[caption: chance of a lifetime.. had to keep the dog from eating it and getting stung in the tongue or worse... swallowed and stung in the throat and swelling... *shudders* so I moved it ]
Scalduin's POV
He landed us outside the village we destroyed, and it happens to be the village we captured him in. He began scanning the ground and wreckage to see if he had come back, when he stopped all of a sudden. He/I inhaled deeply, singling out the most recent scent of dragon, that was a familiar one, and my ray of hope. "How is he STILL ALIVE?!?"He growled in frustration. "I sent one of my men to KILL him. Now I know why he never returned!" In his anger, he picked up a catapult and threw it at a boulder, which smashed it to smithereens. He spread our wings and flew towards the forest, thinking murderous thoughts and how if he even catches Silverflame ever again, he will kill him. Spotting a clearing, he landed us, and we noticed (to my hopeful self) his tracks, and also his prisoner's scent, though it was very faint. "NOW I WILL DEFINITELY KILL HIM!" He roars, realizing that now, Silverflame has taken him to Sky knows where...

[scree the drawing til the second book] XD ENJOY

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