Chapter 20

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SilverFlame POV
I knew I probably shouldn't have left him like that, but at the moment I was too upset to care. I landed on a cliffside, loose stones clattering down into the ravine, that even I, with my superior eyesight, couldn't see the bottom of. I glared up at the sun, that was making the day seem way too happy for me, as I contemplated throwing myself off the cliff. I hadn't even mated with him, and I've already screwed up his life... why would he care if I never returned? For all I know he's probably happy I left him. My vision blurred as his words the first day I met him came back to me. "Why would you care? You're a dragon." A dragon, according to his kind now a days, a creature of mythical origins, sent by the Dark Lord Hades Himself, to bring down and destroy every little mortal being in existence. [A/N yes I made that description up. no steals!] Not fall in love with them... Silver... where... you...? The mind link was breaking up because of the distance I had put between us. I threw defenses up, blocking it. There was no way that could have been him, as more of his words came back, haunting me. "Dragons don't normally care about us." What if I was wrong about my own feelings? His anger towards me certainly didn't help me either... kicking me, pounding on my chest... I had been so sure before he was the one, but now that felt light years away. I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I had forgot to keep the barriers up in my own mind. Silver... come... please... I... you. I threw a boulder off the cliff, listening for at least a slight crash, but heard nothing, except for the yelling now erupting in my mind. SILVER... IF... DON'T... BACK... WILL... YOU... MYSELF.... INFINITY TIMES.... OVER EVEN... AFTER... REGENERATE.. OVER... OVER!!! His voice screamed. I glanced back down the ravine. Perhaps another time, after he has killed me a thousand times over and over.. possibly more, and once he has finished say my final words and bring him back and satisfy his now broken life because of me, by forever ending my sorry pathetic life.

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