Chapter 9

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SilverFlame POV
Having sat up and nearly scaring the life from my (hopefully the Ancients approve) soon-to-be mate, I had wriggled my way through what felt like a long tunnel. 'Going to have to fix that..' I thought to myself. Finally getting inside the cave, I quickly shifted back to my dragon form. I began stretching every which way, trying to relieve the stiffness. I examined my self, quite forgetting he was there, and stretched out my wings. "Wingless creatures... how can they stand it?" I muttered to myself. I gazed around the cave, which had a few caverns branching from the main cave, having quite spacious caverns after their tunnels. "This is perfect. The only problem is the entrance is too small." I began walking towards the entrance, readying my claws to start digging. I was almost there when he leaped in front of me (the nerve!) and yelled, "Wait!" I stopped, staring down at him. "Can you shift human? Then we can keep your lair hidden." I snorted in disbelief, huffing in amusement. 'Now he wants me to be HUMAN?!?' My eyes roamed over him, quite longingly, but I have to wait. he may not want to commit yet, though I noticed he has some pretty sapphires in his ears. 'how do they do that?' I asked myself, staring at them, feeling the greed rise in me. "Fine. I shall become your kind." I said, shuddering inwardly. 'Again, no wings, tail, scales, or flying...' I thought. quickly forming an image of a human in my mind. Again, the pain of shifting, though not as strong as the first time. My scales turned the softest, yet my newly formed skin still retained it's silver color. my wings shrank and ultimately vanished, likewise my tail vanished. My muzzle shrunk until I had the flat face look of a human. The horns on my head had turned into long silver hair, similar to a female of their kind, just not as long. By the time I had finished, because of my age, I looked like a seven year old to him. I heard him gasp suddenly, and then he said, "Can you try to look older?" I groaned inwardly. 'MORE shifting?!? Very well, if that's what it takes to win him over....' I imagined my human form but this time more close to his age of "24". When I finished, I noticed he was CRYING. "What's wrong?" I asked, noticing my voice had completely changed. "Oh my god, you are so beautiful. I am nothing compared to you." He said. 'Beautiful must be a better word then handsome...' I thought. "Now, I'm sure your not that bad.." I started. "Yes I am." He interrupted.
Unknown POV
Having left my castle I started searching. the first village I seen, I landed on it's castle and roared, scaring the puny denizens below. "Bring me my prisoner, and I shall spare your pathetic lives!" Already knowing the evil dragon spirit inside was automatically going to kill them either way. "He is wearing torn up clothes, has brown-gold hair, and is quite small, compared to even you!" I/he finished saying. I personally wish I could go back in time and redo things, so that I would have never gotten this "curse". At least two of my hatchlings, a male and female, survived and got away. The male was the youngest, with silver scales, and sapphire blue eyes, like the dragons of old. but I know if the evil one finds that part out, he'll definitely capture him and harness his ability for his own good. The female one, was red, like a normal fire drake. She had gold eyes. I was interrupted from my thoughts by their king shouting up at me/him. "We don't have anyone here matching your description!" Hissing in anger, he/I swooped off the building unleashing hot black-golden flames, burning the king, his soldiers and a few other common people, including various buildings. 'I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..' I kept thinking, nearly bursting into tears, but he pushed me further back into subconciousness...

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