Chapter 11

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[Paarthurnax] (and yes i snapped that pic before he flew away.)
SilverFlame POV
I woke feeling much better, temporarily confused as to where the heck I was at. Then I remembered. Poking my head out of my cavern, I noticed he was gone. 'Gain my trust and escape. I see how it is.' I thought, coming out further. Just before I could even shift to even go look for him, something started coming into my lair. Growling, I was ready to attack whatever it was, until he came out of the tunnel dragging a four-legged tusked creature after him. "What were you thinking going off like that?!?" I growled, rather protectively, which was surprising. He froze staring up at me. "You could have got killed! And what's worse is you brought a pet with you!" I added my stomach growling. "What's to stop me from eating it?!?" He started laughing, with tears rolling down his face. "Look, I'm sorry I scared you, but this is clearly a dead pig. it's not a pet. It's meant to be eaten." He bent over still laughing. Snorting I glared down at the creature. "What in Sky's name is a pig?" I asked, sniffing it over. "um.. it's a animal we humans keep at a farm..." He said hesitantly. That's when I noticed he had better clothes on. "You went to a human settlement?!?" I scolded him as if he was a hatchling. I then realized my dominant overprotective instincts have fully kicked in. 'what if they followed him? I'll have to kill them!' I thought, growing desperate to keep hidden. "Whoa! Relax! They didn't even know I was there. I snuck in there laundry which happened to be outside hanging up, and then grabbed a pig coming back so we wouldn't starve." I narrowed my eyes. "Your sure they didn't see you?" I asked. "100% positive. Cross my heart." he said. "and how pray tell me, did you kill it?" I asked. "I found some vines, tied his legs up and held it under the water til it stopped struggling." he said, like it was no big deal.

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