Chapter 5

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SilverFlame's view
Having found a lake, I landed. Turning my head, I grabbed him off my back and set him by the lake. "You clean yourself while I go hunt. I haven't eaten for a week." I said, lifting off the ground and heading off to hunt.
(Felyx's [a/n yes I changed it. a y looks better] view)
Watching it take off, I waited for it tone out of sight, so it wouldn't be watching me. 'why is it interested in me?' I thought pulling off my torn ragged clothes, fully disgusted as the clothes were a reminder of my old Master. I could easily see myself still stuck there, had I not escaped. I slowly eased myself into the water, shivering at it's icy touch. ' what I wouldn't give for a WARM bath..' I thought, taking my hands and scrubbing intently. 'I need shampoo, soap, a scrub brush... too bad dragons don't come prepared..' If that Black larger then life Dragon hadn't come and destroyed my village, then it SHIFTED to HUMAN form and slew my parents in front of me, and took me hostage. Keeping me in a dungeon chained up and "using me" saying how I'm his and no one else can own me... Seeing a dragon's shadow I shuddered, looking up and realized it's just the Silver One returning, with a stag in it's claws. He landed dropping the carcass to the ground. "He was prepared to guard against land predators, but not against AIR predators." He said. "I hope you eat meat and not one of those Vegetarians." "N-no, I am not a vegetarian!" I said. "Good." It said, taking it's claws and teeth and ripping into the stag, easily devouring huge parts of it. "How am I going to eat if you devour it all!" I said, embarrassed that I was still not dressed. Quickly, I pulled my clothes on, screwing my face in disgust. These clothes DO stink, it must be ten thousand times worse to the dragon.

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