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"There she is" you got pulled into a tight hug. "Jonathan, I missed you". It was Christmastime. Your father has prepared a nice meal for the three of you. It has been you, your father and your uncle since your mother left at your 13th birthday. She had issues money related most likely.

Price has done the best to help you and your father after she left, without his help your childhood would have probably turned out way worse. He was in the Military on missions almost every day of the year Christmastime was the only time he would visit for a whole week in a row. 

"You have grown so much since I last saw you" You chuckled at his statement. "You do know that I don't grow any more". He smiled "now tell me what do you have planned for your future?" grabbing some plates you helped your father prepare everything, so you could eat. "Nothing still, I tried something but never worked out for me". He thought for a second. "and the military?" 

"John" Your father spoke. "Oh come on y/n is a grown woman, I think she would do great in the British army." 

You thought for a second it wasn't a bad Idea, you always looked up to your uncle the stories from his work fascinating you. "I'll think about it" 

The dinner was great, Price told some more stories. By the end of the day it was clear to you that you would send your application to the army first thing in the morning. 


"ey rookie come here help me quickly" You turned around trying to see where the voice came from. A guy around your age stood not far from you three bags in front of him. His full lips formed into an apologetic smile. You walked over grabbing one of the bags watching him get the other two. "Thank you" You smiled at him. "Of course sir" Your words made him laugh "Call me Kyle" You smiled a little more. "I'm y/n" 

"Good to meet you y/n, How long have you been in the army yet?" You thought counting the weeks in your head. "About 5 months now"  He nodded slowly. "How come you joined?" 
"my uncle is in the military he put that thought in my head" his eyebrows furrowed looking at you. "Is he here at the base?" Shaking your head to thought about a good reply. "No, Hes on a mission right now if I recall correctly. Captain John Price? If you know him." Eyes widened he stopped. "The captain is your uncle? That is interesting. 

The whole time helping him you couldn't stop but notice the way he looked at you, especially your back side when you leaned down to put the bags on the ground. "Thank you rookie. Good luck" A last smile on his lips before you walked back to your group. God, he really was beautiful. 


Gaz fan fiction?? why not only a short chapter to have some backup knowledge. The actual book will start at a much later date. 

If you have read the Soap Fan fiction I write especially the last few chapters a lot of things will be very familiar to you. 

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