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Eyes still heavy he grabbed his sport clothes and put them on. He was barely sleeping last night you just continued to be stuck in his mind the whole time. The way you stood there between his legs, your cheeks slightly flustered when you looked at him. Your kissable lips slightly parted filling him with arousal once again. He doesnt know what is going on with him presently, he normally got himself under control pretty good but it was different with you. You made him aroused you were the reason he acted like a teenage boy that saw some models tits for the first time. As he opened his door and walked out towards the field he grabbed his phone to put on some music. Right after the song started and he turned his headphones up all the way up, he could see you on the field too. Ghost was with you most likely teaching you something. 

You stood there knife in your hand  a fitted pair of leggings on with a sport jacket. Once again he found himself checking you out his eyes stopping at your ass. You looked good he couldn't deny it, he wouldn't want to deny it. The warm feeling in his abdomen shook him out of his thoughts. Gaz started to warm up after half a round stretching his muscles. His eyes on your body again. 

Cheeks pink from looking at you he felt his heart skip beats. "GAZ" A pair of hands suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts, he took his headphones off and looked at his teammate. "ah Soap whats up" Gaz smiled trying to hide the fact he was staring at you just seconds ago. "Bro who are you staring at" The blood rushed into Gaz's head his mouth opened to answer but he just closed it again  without saying a word. "U looking at python" A nod and Soap laughing in return. "She is too good for you Gaz" 

"What do you mean by she is too good for me?" confusion made itself known in Kyles face. Slightly shook from Soaps words he patiently waited for the other to reply. "Look at her lad, climbing ranks like its a walk to the store. Trained in all variables of combat, weapons and got the needed knowledge to build one herself. Price is her uncle which means she is automatically untouchable and finally shes too pretty for your petty ass." Silence. Kyle didn't know what to say, he did partly agree with Soap you really are breathtaking and talented but in no world was he petty. Gaz knew his worth he didn't think he was ugly either, the scars from former missions are making him slightly self-conscious but thats nothing for the public ear to hear.  "If you want to bag her you'd have to get going lad cause either Ghost is getting her first or the guy she talked to in the bar. And neither of them look slightly like you". Once again Kyle was lost for words looking back over to you laughing while training with Ghost. "Its her choice if she wants to be with someone and who it is. She is also just human Soap." Looking back over to his friend he smiled shortly before continuing to jog around the place. Headphones back over his ears. 

Soaps words continuously went through his mind. Soap by far wasn't a bad guy it was rather normal for men in the military to go feral whenever there was a woman in the team. He has seen it numerous times himself. But seeing Johnny act this way made his head spin slightly. 

Kyle finished his jogging session after rather larger rounds. The muscles in his legs burning and his mouth completely dry from the heavy breathing. 

The music was still blasting out of his headphones. Looking over the field while Kyle lifted the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. You ended your training session with Ghost a little while ago, leaving Kyle out all alone. Soap was also nowhere to be seen probably back in some bar getting sucked off by some poor girl. The walk back inside was almost tortures as the burning sensation in his thighs began to spread. Washing waves of exhaustion over him. 

The only thing he wanted right now was to get a shower, some food, and his bed. After all it was already late midday. Kyle got as far as finishing the shower heading to the rec room wearing a white T-shirt and some grey joggers. His dog tag hanging over the fabric of the t-shirt. Just seconds after he opened the door he immediately regretted it seeing you sitting on the couch playing something silly on the PlayStation, Ghost close next to you also playing the game. More trying to figure out how to play.  "Its not that hard Ghost, press x to jump and move this joystick to run." Your hand was above Ghosts. Leading his fingers to the right buttons continuously trying to explain the controls.

Left without Hope - Gaz x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now