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The room fell Silent as they looked at y/n again, What was going to happen now? 

"Again y/n if you decide to press charges, no blame from us. It is your decision" 
Price's eyes looked warm, he understood how hard this situation must be. You're in a room with a group of guys that have worked together for years, and you were here to decide whether you want one of them to get kicked off the group and press charges for assault or if you want to drop the charges, unknowing if he would stop going after you and Kyle. 

"Yes, I want to press charges against Johnny" 

The next second exploded like a backpack filled with C4, Johnny jumped from his chair breaching towards you, stopped by Ghost and kyle that held him down on his chair. 

"How can you do something like this to me!! I didn't do anything, you irrelevant bitch, letting all kinds of people fuck you senseless just to be somewhat relevant. You are a piece of shit, you deserve nothing, absolutely nothing. I hope the next time you walk past me, it'll be the last time you'll be able to open your fucking eyes" His voice angry and loud. Veins showed on his forehead, thinking the corners of his mouth are about to rip open from how much he is screaming. 

Your vision went blurry, the noises cancelling out in the background. Johnny still shouted, but you understood nothing, watching as the blurry figures carried him outside, a large hand touching your shoulder softly. "It's okay, you have done nothing wrong, y/n". Frozen in place, you listened to him feeling strong arms wrap around you just ever so carefully, Kyle continued to talk, his voice warm and soft. "I am here, her can't do anything to you. You are brave, I am proud of you for speaking up" 

Leaning your head against his shoulder, the warmth of his contact filled you. Surrounding your presence and soothing the broken nerves. You didn't feel bad or cry. Johnny deserved it, especially after his outburst it was more than clear, that even dropping the charges would have helped no one but him. 

Kyle continued to stay on your side, holding you in his arms, while his heartbeat was the only thing you focused on at this moment. It was calm and collected, a rhythm that helped sooth your own. Unsure what will happen to Johnny now, you tried to cancel him out of your mind. But the pictures from how angry he looked, the winning smile on his face completely cancelled out as your decision fell. 


A few weeks as your final decision fell, the charges have been bought in front of a court. Johnny was charges with sexual assault and was thrown off the special force commando team, yet they decided to go against the decision to dismiss him from the military service, he could still lure in any base you were in, be on any mission as you if not as a special force member but as a soldier, and it scared you. 

The court had claimed that the time and circumstances of you deciding to press charges was unfair for Johnny, as he, so they claimed, had no one to back him up and prevent him from the personal embarrassment. 

They completely dismissed the charge of him doing NSFW things while being on the phone with you, without the consent or knowledge, simply because it should have been on you to hang up the phone to prevent it. Bullshit. 

But you could do nothing, even after hours of trying to get your point straight and arguing with Johnny being a grown man able to handle decisions, they just dismissed it. 

Kyle stuck to your site through every second, holding your hand. Staying close to you to not even allowing Johnny to get within a 5-meter range of you. At night, he would lay with you, arms wrapped around your frame. 

Just as the morning sun approached, and you opened your eyes, the first thing you always saw were a pair of brown eyes studying your face, a sleepy smile on his face. He held you closer, the bare skin on his underbody covered in some cuts and old healed wounds from the combat experience he has. Always a 'good morning beautiful' awaiting you. 

He was the first thing you saw waking up and the last falling asleep. Your day starting, ending with the comfort he provided you. Or so you thought...

LOL its been a while babes. 

Couldnt be assed to proofread, so enjoy ;)

Left without Hope - Gaz x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now