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Soft music and a comfortable warmth surrounded you a glass of cold beer in your hand. Soap walked off with a girl a few minutes ago sitting at a table with her and her Friends a charming smile on his lips while his arm rested around her shoulder. Ghost was also nowhere near he was wearing a normal balaclava tonight giving you the chance to see a little more of his face. Price stood right next to you watching over you and sending out some mean looks at guys that tried to come close to you. "John you don't have to protect me have some fun for once. What about this lady she keeps looking over to you" You tap his shoulder and point in the direction of a woman around his age. "I don't know I haven't talked to somebody in years" His eyes followed the direction you were pointing at. A sweet woman was standing there she was wearing a light knee long dress which signed her body good. "C'mon John I bet she is lovely" You put your hand on his shoulder pushing him in her direction watching him walk off towards her nervously. Now sitting alone you put your full attention towards the glass in front of you drinking the last drop inside. Right before you had the chance to order a new drink a hand set down on your back. "Two more beers please" An unfamiliar voice spoke turning your head towards him, you noticed a broad man standing there a smile on his lips. "I hope you don't mind me bashing in like that, I'm Pierre" He was talking in perfect English warmth standing upright in his smile. "I'm y/n pleasure to meet you" He sat down on the bar stool next to you. He whirled you into some small talk sharing a laugh here and there. Pierre was very friendly respecting your personal space while he drank his beer listening to you. His light green eyes stood out watching you in a comfortable way.

You two continued talking a little longer learning more about him your interested started to grow. He was a police officer lived in the US before coming down here starting his career as a police chief. He liked music played some Instruments himself. His hands moved to his long arm shirt sliding the fabric up to his elbow. Tattoos marking his skin. He didn't have a full sleeve more single tattoos in full black ink on his skin. Your eyes trailed up his arms looking at the designs. "Do you have tattoos?" Your eyes shoot back up meeting his. "Oh only a few stick and pokes from years ago I never really had the time to get some actual ones" You lied thinking about the large tattoo on your ass you had done ages ago after loosing a bet. He seemed to look right through the lie not wanting to push the topic. "May I get your number? I would love to stay in contact with you" You nodded pulling out your phone having him type the number in followed by his name. "It was good to meet you y/n, but I have to go sadly" He pulled out some notes from his wallet paying for the drinks you two shared. "Oh you didn't have to" You tried stopping him. "Oh don't worry about it it's a pleasure to invite you to some drinks. Text me whenever you're free to spend some more time." You nodded hugging him goodbye before watching him leave the bar.

Your eyes moved over to where Price was, he was still speaking with the female he had met, he looked happy and less stressed seemingly enjoying the civil conversation. Soap was long gone with the girl he picked up earlier god knows what he is up to. Ghost was now sitting in the same booth with Gaz a lipstick stain on Garrick's cheek which he tried to rub off annoyed. He moved his head to the side revealing a slight hickey. Drinking the last drop of your beer once again you stood up making your way over to the two. "The Hickey looks good on your Gaz" He looked at you with wide eyes. "For fucks sake did ya fuck a fucking hoover" Ghost started laughing holding his belly. "shhh" he tried to hush Ghost turning to you. "I didn't fuck anyone I am not like that" You only chuckled. "I'm going back to base seeya guys tomorrow" Your feet carried you outside the cold fresh air hitting your airways leaving Goosebumps all over your skin. Sticking your headphones in you started a random playlist to make the walk back easier.

Someone tapped your shoulder two minutes in your walk scaring the living hell out of you. You went to swing at the person before your hand gets blocked off and a shocked Soap looked at you. "Calm down lass its just me you didn't hear me over your bloody headphones". Turning the music down before removing the headphones sticking them back in your pocket you looked at him. He smelled weirdly like sex and sweat. "You smell" he continued walking beside you his hands in his pockets. Ignoring your comment he stared off ahead of him. "Are you okay Johnny I noticed you look held in thoughts generally" A sign was heard from his side before his eyes fell to the ground. "The whole thing with Shepherd and what happened there still holds me down a lot." You stayed quiet allowing him the needed time to collect his thoughts. "Before you joined we had another female in the team her codename was reaper. Beautiful girl she got together with me after we killed Graves and went after Shepherd. She died trying to catch him with me. Saving me" His words filled the silence. "We were engaged the wedding was planned already . It was supposed to be her Last mission" Your hand found his shoulder stopping him in his tracks. You put two arms around him hugging him close. He answered the hug appreciating the closure. "You remind me of her sometimes, i'm sorry if you had a bad impression of me" You pulled him a little closer wishing you could take the pain off his shoulders. No words have been exchanged while the two of you just stood there holding each other close. "lets head back to base and watch a film what is your favourite film?" You stepped away from the hug walking back to base with him. "Wall-E" He smiled at the memories. "I love wall-E should we watch that film?" He nodded. Shortly after the two of you found yourself on the couch in the rec room each holding a mug with hot chocolate in their hands. You started the film getting more comfortable in your seat. Closer to the end of the film the door opened again Gaz walking in. Soap was sound asleep the pillow he was originally leaning against in his arms. You had laid a blanket over him making sure he is more comfortable. "Hey" Gaz spoke in a whisper sitting down next to you, both of your bodys tight against each other because of the lack of space left on the couch. "Hey" You whispered back smiling at him, the smudged lipstick stain on his cheek still visible. You put your hand out wiping over the red stain with your thump. "is it still there?" you nodded in reply. "I don't know how to get it off I tried everything even water and Soap" . A smile formed on your lips before you grabbed his arm and pulled him with you out of the rec room letting Soap sleep on the couch. Gaz didn't say anything just watched your hand on his arm. He didn't show it but your touch made him nervous glad that the dim light of the hallway hid it from his eyes. The door to your room opened, and you pulled him to your bathroom letting him sit on the toilet lid. His eyes watched you move around trying to find something. After a minute of searching through your bags you found some cheap make up wipes you carried with you. He opened his legs slightly letting you stand in between of them while his hands rested softly on your waist holding you. As you started to wipe the makeup of his cheek he couldn't stop himself from looking up at you scanning your concentrated features. "Okay done, I dont have anything against Hickeys though" From the angle you could look down his shirt a bit noticing more hickeys. "I swear I didn't do anything with her except for making out" He started earning another chuckle from you. "Kyle I don't care who you sleep with we are in no relationship nor should it lay in my interest" A nod from him before his hands left your waist. "Good night Python" A smile formed once again on his lips before he walked out of the bathroom and finally closing your room door behind him leaving you to yourself.

After getting ready for bed it didn't take long for you to fall asleep after your cold blanket hugged you.

Left without Hope - Gaz x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now