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The door to the rec room opened revealing Ghost, tired-looking eyes scanning the room meeting your and Gaz's gaze. Without loosing another word the taller let himself down next to you on the couch, leaning back against the soft fabric. "Hey Ghost, you alright?". His eyes moved to look at you, a small nod followed by more silence. 

"How was the mission Rookie? Heard from Price that it went pretty well with you and Gaz". There was something bitter in his words as he sent a look in Gaz's direction. "It went really good, Gaz's and I are a good Team". The aura in the room was awkward, Gaz trying not to react to Ghost' being and Ghost just trying to get a reaction out of him. "glad to have you back, I almost started to miss you. Being around Soap and Price the whole time gets boring after a while". A strong and heavy arm found its way around your shoulder pulling you closer to the heavy body beside you. A familiar blush spread over your cheeks as your body started to tense from being so close to Ghost all of a sudden. He smelt good a manly scent marked his presence. Ghost pulled you much closer leaning his head down to have it hover next yours. His lips parted as his whispered words left a red flag in your mind. "I know that you and kyle had kissed on the mission, I don't think Price would be too happy to know about that, would he? He is no good, still greener behind the ears than a forest in summer. I can teach you the ways love just let me in". He parted from you again leaving a gap after he had also pulled his arm away. Kyle looked stunned, a slight scents of anger on his face. Who was Ghost that he would pull something like that while he was literally in the room. Simon wasn't one to be flirty around Teammates, he didn't even seem serious about whatever he said. It was awkward, fishy, nasty any unfavourably word he could use would fit into this situation. It triggered a deep sense of jealousy inside of him. You were his even if you didn't know it yet. He was there to protect what was his, even if it meant to fist fight death in the person seated next to you. 

Based on your reaction you didn't enjoy the closure to the literal monster of a person. Face red and body tense, it wasn't how you should be treated. He would do fuck all to see you relaxed again. "Yo ghost how is the date search going? Found any cute cat boys you can fuck next?" The words just exploded out of kyles mouth, ridden by the adrenaline in his body. "At least I got some game, not like you Garrick. Besides, I think I found much sweeter treasure that fits me". You met Simons gaze again his only response being a wink in your direction. The whole situation got heated far too fast, nothing to your liking. "I'm going to get going, Need to talk to Price about something anyway." Without giving time a chance you made your way out of the room leaving the man to their silly argument. What you didn't know was that the flirting and the tension between you and the lads was about to become much worse with the time coming. 

Back in your room you let yourself fall back into the mattress, enjoying the peace it surrounded. Only the wind that hit your window being heard. You weren't sure what to feel about the situation that had just encored in the rec room. Ghost was showing you an entirely different side from what you had expected. He elaborated on someone being his treasure and with a sick feeling in your lower abdomen you came to the realization that you being the named treasure was much realer than you wanted it to be. And him knowing about the kiss? How would he know about it, neither you nor Kyle had talked about it to your understanding. Was he there? Was he stalking you? And with that thought running to your head you suddenly felt unsafe in your four walls of the small room surrounding you. You didn't have a Key to lock the doors, he could just walk in at any given time. You were probably just overthinking and he meant something so harmless. Could you go to Price and report it? Better not what if Ghost just mistaken something and you were just overthinking. The sense of not being safe just peaking unsettling thoughts in your mind. It would harm him and his whole career to set something like that free. You were better off to keep it to yourself. Ghost surely didn't mean any harm.  

A soft knock on your door ripped you out of your thoughts. Instantly your mind went to panic, just setting down as Soaps face came forwards. "Can I come in?".  A nod was all he needed as he started to walk in and sit down on your bed. "I heard Gaz's and Ghost's argument, you alright?" 

"I don't know, It was all just a bit too much so I left. Didn't want them to argue sorry" Johnny send an understanding smile in your direction instantly lightening up the room. "Don't apologize for something that you didn't create, Both can be dicks sometimes don't take it to close too your heart lass" . His words made you feel better almost instantly, setting down the worry that had spread in your head. Smiling back at the scot you decided to sit up and gift him something as small as a hug, feeling his arms wrap around you in return. He was being gentle not wanting to cross any line in your being of feeling comfortable. Soap was one to trust he wouldn't have any seconds thought about your being. He was a man of his word. Someone who took people's well-being to heart and not to his pants. 

"Thank you Johnny, it really means a lot" 


who to trust and who to love? 

Left without Hope - Gaz x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now