chapter 17

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Ayesha's POV

I turned up the volume as I began driving. It was a Monday morning and I was on the way to take Reem to her University.

Her car was still parked at the club, the weekend went by in a blur, we didn't get time to collect the car.

Saturday morning i woke up with a headache, when Reem told me what I did a night before I was so embarrassed, that I hid myself in the blanket the whole day.

It was Sunday by the time I gained courage to face the world. We went shopping then spent the rest of the day at the orphanage.

I looked at Reem she was sitting awfully quiet, she looked like she was in deep thought. I nudged my shoulder against hers

"What happened baby, what are you thinking?" I asked

"I'm thinking about Zuhan" she spoke

Last night when we were returning from the orphanage Zuhan was not letting Reem go. He cried so much, that boy is addicted to her. Even Reem loves him terribly, she is quite disturbed since then

"Don't worry he'll be ok. Talk to him when you take him out for vaccination today" I suggested

"I'm thinking about something else"

"What?" She turned to look at me, her face looked very serious.

"I'm thinking of adopting Zuhan" she said, and my eyes widened in surprise

"Huh? What?" I asked still unsure if I heard her correctly.

"You heard it right. I really want to adopt him. He needs me, I need him too" she spoke

"Woah! Wait! It is not a small decision to make. I think you are being too emotional right now" I tried making her think straight

"You wouldn't understand" she was getting pissed now

"Baby I understand. But I'm not just thinking about you, I'm thinking about Zuhan also. You are talking about adoption here, it's a huge decision to make. Think about it, you love him you will take good care of him, but what about izhaan and his family, will they be able to accept him"

"I'm sure they will"

"On just the basis of presumption you cannot make such a big decision. From what I have noticed, Khans are closely knit people, i don't know if they can welcome an outsider in the family"

I was just trying to make her see the light. It was about the life of a little kid. No doubt Izhaan is a wonderful person, but who knows if he'd be able to love zuhan as his own blood.

If Reem will adopt him, Izhaan will become equally responsible for zuhan by default. But who can guarantee if he even wants that.

"Think thoroughly baby before you can decide anything. And just keep in mind, zuhan deserves loving parents, a happy family" I put my hand on hers, "do you understand?" I asked, she nodded.

Soon we reached her University, I parked the car and we both got out of the car. I tossed the keys to Reem

"I feel horrible about making you leave your car to me" she stuck out her bottom lip.

"Don't be mad. It's all fine" i smiled

"This is why I was not interested in studies, time management has become a task now" she huffed

"It's just two years of that task, then you'll have your degree as a reward." I spoke, then I gasped, "speaking of degree, I must leave for office now, God knows what that devil has in store for me today" i shuddered, Reem chuckled

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