chapter 36

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Reem's POV

"Aaaah Hussain it hurts, stop it" I lowered the volume of my phone.

All of us were at the zoom meeting studying for our next exam. It was getting pretty boring so Hussain decided to entertain us all by singing, but his voice was like a broken trumpet, it hurt my ear

"Hussain! My phone will be broken because of you" Hina groaned in annoyance

"That's too mean guys, here I am trying to entertain you and you are insulting me, there is no one to value my talent" he faked being offended.

"We are trying to study here and you are irritating us." Naira rolled her eyes

"Let's just forget about him guys. I have a doubt please someone clear it" shoaib said

"Which doubt?" Juhi asked

"Take out the book, page number 137" he said

"There is no page number 137 in the book" naira said

"Don't be silly! See there it is" he shared the page number

"Shoaib! What the hell!" I said in a high tone

"What's wrong?" He asked

"There are five days for operation management exam, why are you not preparing for the exam which is tomorrow" Murad asked, shoaib's eyes widened

"It's not tomorrow?" He asked

"I really don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you" I said

"How can you be so stupid shoaib?" Naira shouted, then he defended himself, and then they both started fighting, shoaib and naira are like Tom and Jerry, they just need a reason to fight.

All of us one by one left the meeting only to leave them both to continue fighting. I put my phone and it immediately started ringing, it was Hussain's call

"Hello" I said

"I wanted to ask you something" he said

"Ok. What?"

"Reem aaaa.. ummm you..."

"Hussain! What is it?"

"Nothing, I'll see you tomorrow " he said and hung up


I opened my book and tried to bring all my concentration on the texts written on it, but something was stopping me from focusing, I knew what it was, i groaned and threw my books aside, I stood up and began pacing in the room.

He loves me! Why did he say that? The things Izhaan told me has shook me from core. I wasn't expecting him to say all that.

Maybe it's his some trick, he wants me to soften for him then he will make me dance on his tune.

I raised my hand and looked at the ring he gave me for my birthday. I can't deny that it was a very pretty one, so beautiful and delicate. It looks nice on my finger.

"It's not just a ring, it's an emotion for me, it's my first gift ever to you. Whenever you look at it, just remind yourself that this heart will always beat only for you" I blushed when I recalled his words

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, I should be studying, not thinking about him. Maybe that was his plan, he must have been wanting to break my concentration and just keep me thinking about him, so that I fail my exams, that is why he told me those things

No no no I won't let that happen. I will study. I picked my book, and started learning while walking back and forth in the room.

"Many possibilities are available to a household who has to allocate its income.
The largest part of the disposable income is consumed, the remainder....." I was reading suddenly my eyes fell on the jackass' photo frame

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now