chapter 28

414 21 11

Reem's POV

"Aaah" I yelped and put my head on the steering wheel.

Exams and assignments are really taking a toll on my health, I have been having severe headache for last 2 days.

I parked my car and got out outside and made my way in the university. I went straight to my first lecture and attended it with as much focus as I could put with this headache.

I met all of my friends, We had a little time left for the next class so I went to the cafeteria with them. We spent a quality time together. They are quite nice people.

Hussain and Naira help me the most, they are the best in the lot. They clicked with me instantly.

After all the lectures were done. I went to the library to meet Saira Ma'am. I was shocked to see someone else sitting on her chair. When I inquired about her I was told she had just gone to the principal's office, I walked in the same direction.

When I reached outside the principal's office she was sitting there on the chair with Umar sir, I sat next to her

"Ma'am is everything ok?" I asked, she smiled widely when she noticed me

"Yeah everything is ok, I just came to submit my resignation" she said

"Resignation? Why?" My eyes widened, she held my hand

"I always had a perfect life, there was only one thing missing, and now Allah has given me that also, through you. Now I want to dedicate all my time to my baby, Zuhan" her eyes teared while speaking.

"Saira was only working because she wanted to keep herself busy, alhamdulillah (thanks to Allah) i earn well, so Saira can give full attention on zuhan." Sir said. I felt so emotional hearing them say it

"Zuhan is very lucky to have you" I said meaning it

"No, we are lucky to have found someone like zuhan in our lives. In a day or two he will come to our house, we can't wait" ma'am said

I feel good that zuhan will have his own house now, but at the same time I was feeling hurt, I won't be able to meet him whenever I want

"What happened? What are you thinking?" Sir asked

"Is it ok if I come to visit zuhan sometimes?" I asked

"You are more than welcome, you can come to meet him whenever you want" ma'am smiled

"Mrs Saira, you can go now" the receptionist said. Ma'am nodded

"I'll just come" she mumbled and left

I was left alone with sir. It was the best time for me to apologise to him for what Izhaan did, i cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Ummm sir, I wanted to apologise for the other day" I said, he frowned


"At the restaurant, when Izhaan misbeh...."

"Oh that! Don't worry about it, it's all fine."

"I'm really embarrassed"

"Don't be, it was all some misunderstanding. Just forget about it now, I said the same thing to Izhaan also" I looked at him in surprise


"He came to meet me to apologise" my mouth dropped open


"He looked familiar when I saw him then when he told me his name and I knew he is the famous advocate Izhaan Khan. I didn't know you were married"

"We have not started living together as yet" I replied feeling uneasy

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