chapter 69

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Izhaan's pov

Reem's painful screams were echoing in my ears, my heart was drumming in my ribcage. How she must be handling so much pain! Ya Allah please have mercy on my Reem.

I looked at the closed door of the labour room, she is in there, giving birth to my child and there is nothing I can do to help her, I have never felt so useless in my entire life.

I sat on the bench and rested the back of my head on the wall, I closed my eyes and recalled what happened today.

I was at home when Athar came and told me that he was looking for some important documents which he kept in the farmhouse. I was so confused thinking why he would keep so important papers there, but his panic state kept me quiet.

When we reached the farmhouse Athar took me to dadi's room, for a few minutes he was checking the drawers, then he turned to me and said to stay in the room while he would go to answer his phone, then he left immediately without giving me a chance to say something.

I was sure he was upto something, he was behaving oddly. I heard the sound of the door opening and I turned around to ask Athar about the reason why we were there, but I got the shock of my life, Reem was standing there, she was looking at me with shocked eyes.

It took me a moment to understand it was all Athar's plan, I quickly began giving explanations that I did not trick her for coming there.

I was expecting any kind of behaviour from Reem, but when she hit me and questioned me for not coming to meet her for the whole month I was so astonished, I thought I was doing the right thing by staying away from her.

Before I could clear the misunderstanding between us, and make her believe Simon came, and for the first time in my life I regretted not listening to Shaurya, because Reem was there.

I was confident with myself that I will take him down easily, I mastered self defence when I was in London, but I couldn't afford to take any risk while Reem was there, so I insisted him to let her go, but he proved what a ba$tard he is when he held Reem on gunpoint.

I was so scared to see her held up like that, for a moment it felt as if malakul maut (the angel of death) has arrived.

I did what he asked me to do, honestly if he had asked me to shoot myself at that moment I would have done that in a heartbeat.

I was praying to Allah to send help, if I tried to take him down I would need someone to hold Reem, I didn't want her to get hurt.

It felt like someone pulled out my heart out of my chest when he hit Reem with the gun, I just wanted to kill him, thankfully Athar came, and I saw a ray of hope, I quickly pulled him and luckily the police also arrived at the correct time.

When I turned to Reem, I found her in pain, I ran to her and held her, she was screaming in pain, my eyes filled with tears seeing her crying.

Every time she held my hand and cried in pain, I felt so helpless. I wanted to take all of her pain, but sadly it was not in my power.

"Izhaan" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly stood up when I saw dadi there and hugged her, the dam I put on my tears broke, I hugged her and cried, I didn't care what people will think about me at that time.

"Beta! Why are you crying? She is fine, we should be happy, the baby will come anytime now" she said rubbing my back

"I can't see her like this, she was in so much pain" I cried, but dadi chuckled. She pulled back and cupped my cheeks

"The pain will end as soon as the baby comes" she said

"I don't care, I just want her fine." I said, she wiped my tears with her thumbs and laughed, "Zara dekhein to apne sher ko, kese bachho ki tarah ro raha hai (look at your lion, he is crying like babies)" dadi turned to dada ji

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