Agent Gets Suspicious

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Agent Phil Coulson is a person that usually prides himself on how well he can read people and figure things out during an investigation or even just in day-to-day life. One of his favorite past times when he is traveling long distances on public transportation is to look at the different people and figure things about them and their lives. Like the ways people stand or sit can tell you how they are as a person. If they stand with their arms crossed they most likely aren't as talkative and tend to stay to themselves, if they stand with a wide stand they tend to be a more confident person, etc. Then depending on what their wearing can show where they are going to or coming from. 

The last few months Coulson has been feeling off though, because three of the people he interacts with the most are acting off from what they normally do. Natasha has been at the office way less than normal for starters. Then her and Clint have been talking in lower whispers more often. Finally, Fury has been acting weirder as well overall. 

He started getting suspicious a few months ago after Clint and Natasha came back from a mission and didn't bother coming to say 'hello' like they normally do after a mission. But Fury didn't say anything to him and then a few weeks later he saw them just fine, so he figured there was just something minor weird situation with the mission. 

Then he started realizing that Clint and Natasha had been taking way longer breaks than usual in between missions. Don't get him wrong they were doing a few missions a month but they, especially Natasha, usually did way more than what they were doing. But again, Fury didn't say anything about it so he brushed it off as Clint wanted more time with his family and Natasha was just trying to maybe get a life. This time he wasn't so sure about it as the last time though.

Then he would hear snippets of their whispered conversations before they casually switched when they heard someone coming. Almost every time there was random things that were completely out of context like "-to the toaster again, really?" or "-running out of blocks for-" and he didn't hear any names until the most recent time with "-Peter would like that-" but that would be all he would hear before they were talking about something completely different.

Finally, the thing that finally pushed him happened on August 10. Nick the I-don't-take-a-break-from-work-work-just-gets-sick-of-me Fury, took half the day off for personal matters. Coulson has seen the same man refuse to take off when he has a 102-degree fever and not sleep for 72 hours straight so that he could finish an investigation. 

After that Coulson figured enough was enough and he was going to confront them. So, the next day that he Natasha, Clint, and Fury talking he casually walked up to them and questioned

"Who's Peter?"

Causing all three of them to look at Coulson, Natasha and Clint in alarm while Fury was more of an of-course-this-is-happening-right-now look. Natasha then grabbed Coulson's arm and dragged him all the way to Fury's office. The man himself walked in front of them and led the way.

When they arrived, Fury shut the door and locked it before they all turned around. Coulson figured they would talk first but none of them were saying anything so he broke the silence.

"You just whisper about him a lot. You guys have been acting strange over the past few months as well."

Natasha let out a sigh while Fury was unphased and Clint was just wearing a frustrated look.

"Peter's my son." Natasha responded to the earlier question.

Coulson's eyebrow raised and looked at the other two to make sure this wasn't a joke before saying anything.


Natasha sighed "Not biologically. I adopted him a few months ago." Natasha then continued to explain the whole situation and how they ended up with Peter. She also explained some things about him living at the Bartons and her moving there to be able to give Peter as much attention he deserves since her and Clint can't be there all the time. Coulson quietly sat there and waited for the explanation to finish before reacting at all.

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