Meet My Coworkers

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Currently Clint and Natasha both were on a mission with the Avengers. After the two of them had the situation with Jessica Drew, Fury figured that some of the HYDRA missions were too much for just Clint and Natasha. He wasn't going to ask all the Avengers at first due to the fact that many of HYDRA's bases have guards that some of SHIELD's lowest ranking agents could take out, but after they learned that HYDRA had Loki's staff they decided that it was best to ask the Avengers to help them out. 

Peter and Laura would love to know more about the missions they went on but after years of Clint and Natasha having missions, the two agents wouldn't give them much information on the missions they went on. Peter and Laura would always argue against it but Clint and Natasha both say that the two stress too much as it is, and they shouldn't be worrying over the two's wellbeing. Peter almost always just hacked into security cameras to check in on them though, like when his mom, Captain America, and Falcon discovered and exposed HYDRA.

This mission though, Peter just checked in on them every night to make sure they were alright. So, when he woke up the next morning he went on his day as normal. He got dressed and walked downstairs to have breakfast. He helped Laura make Cooper and Lila's breakfast before Laura made her weekly trip to the grocery store. After the kids finished eating their breakfast they all brushed their teeth, and the two younger ones went to the tree to play while Peter worked on his schoolwork for the day. 

Peter had just taken out his computer to see the news about Iron man fighting the hulk in the middle of Johannesburg when he recognized his Mom's and Uncle Clint's footsteps with four other people's accompanying them. When his Uncle opened the door, he shouted loud enough for the two to hear him.

"I thought you both said you'd be gone for another week."

"Did you not miss us?" Clint shouted in response.

"No, I did. I just know that last night you were in Dr.Cho's healing chamber. I also know that after someone leaves the healing chamber your body is supposed to be resting for at least a couple of hours since the healing process takes a toll on the person's body, leaving them with less energy. Last time I checked flying a plane across the world and possibly fighting dangerous individuals isn't 'taking it easy' but I'm just the teenager so what do I know?" Peter deadpanned while standing up and walking towards the entrance of the house to find the avengers standing there.

Peter looked at his mom and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know a lot about the situation apparently. What could have possibly happened in the ten hours I took to sleep and eat breakfast?"

"Wow, a whole ten hours? Are you starting to not care about us Pete? Just a few months ago you would pull all nighters checking on us." Clint teased.

"Well, I thought you could be a responsible adult for once and just rest after being injured by an unidentified, dangerous individual with super speed. I should've expected you wouldn't knowing you, but I thought at least mom could keep you in line. If anyone is losing their touch it's her." Peter fired back, pointing at his mom while finishing his rant.

"Don't bring me into this. It wasn't my fault that murder-bots started trying to kill us." Natasha held her hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry, did you just say 'murder-bots'?" Peter questioned.

Before anyone could answer both Lila and Cooper came bursting into the house and giving Clint and Natasha hugs while saying they missed them. That's when the avengers started to break out of their stunned state and speak.

"These are all mini-agents." Stark said while looking around the children.

Peter would have said something to the comment but no one else seemed to hear it. Then he heard the sound of Thor's boot crushing Lila's Lego project from that night that she was supposed to clean up. Peter then watched as Thor just kicked the Lego's underneath the coffee table and Mr.Rogers gave a look that showed his exhaustion that he felt with his team. Peter would've laughed if he wasn't just informed that they've been fighting quote unquote murder-bots for the past couple of hours.

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