The Next Great Adventure

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The rest of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 the Barton and Romanoff family had spent trying to spend as much time together because of the reminder that they got during the battle of New York that they wouldn't live forever. The adults knew that when Coulson died Peter had shut down, Peter had locked himself in his room for hours at a time and just sat there tinkering with the parts that Coulson had given him on his birthday over the years. So, the adults figured that when the day that Coulson died Peter would realize what day it was, and it would hit him hard. They didn't know what his reaction would be though so they decided to just act normal until they could figure out what it would be. 

May 4 came, and that morning Clint had already made the chocolate chunk pancakes and they were all preparing for any of the possible reactions that Peter may have. All the while Cooper was playing with two hot wheels cars while eating his pancakes and Lila was slowly eating her food.

At normal time Peter walked downstairs and sat at his spot at the table and said good morning to everyone. His voice was much more monotone though. Other people may have waved it off at him being tired but seeing as the adults were all trained spies, they could tell that it wasn't that. 

"Are you good, Pete?" Natasha gently questioned.

"Yeah. Just not feeling the best right now."

The rest of breakfast Peter just sat and ate while watching Cooper play with the hot wheels. After eating he went upstairs and did his morning routine while the adults downstairs were trying to think of ways to get Peter out of his room thinking he was going to do what he did last time and seclude himself in his room. 

Then Peter walked downstairs wearing jeans and a red shirt with a backpack and sneakers in hand.

"Can I go outside?" Peter quietly asked.

The adults had to hide their confusion and Natasha answered Peter. 

"Yeah, bud. Just don't go off too far and we'll call you in for lunch." 

They watched as he slid his sneakers on and he walked out the front door. They all then went to the window to watch what he was doing. He walked slowly through the grass to his tree. Usually going there meant Peter was going to practice with his bow but instead he did something he hadn't done in years, climbed the tree to a branch in the middle of the tree where he was hidden from sight. 

The three adults looked at each other in confusion but before they could discuss anything Cooper spoke up.

"Mommy, Daddy?"

"Yeah, Coop?"

"Why Petey sad?"

Clint breathed in deeply before letting the breath out and walking over and sitting next to Cooper on the living room carpet.

"Peter is just missing Uncle Coulson."

"When is Uncle Coulson coming back?"

"He isn't buddy. That's why Peter misses him so much."

"Oh. That is sad."

Cooper then continued playing with the cars, albeit more quietly than before.

The mood of the room drastically changed from comfortable to border line depressing. Laura couldn't stand it.

"Why don't we watch a movie?"

Cooper perked up at that and automatically nodded in agreement with the idea. Cooper walked to their bin of DVD movies that consisted of mostly Disney movies and picked one up. Cooper carried the CD over to Clint to put the movie in and once Natasha and Laura saw Clint's facial expression that Coopers movie choice was probably not the best choice he could have made.

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