Elizabeth's New Look on Life

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Why didn't he listen?

youre going to do something you'll regret


too many people i cant get through but i can hear i heard it the

Why didn't he listen? Why?

crrunch splat blood on his stupid face on his hands blood on the robot and the stage and the WHY DIDN'T HE LISTEN TO ME


Elizabeth jerked back to her senses with a gasp, feeling shaken.

"Lizzie? Are you okay?"

Elizabeth stared ahead blankly for a moment, feeling out of breath as she took in her surroundings. Pink wallpaper lining the walls, and Susie in front of her, looking very concerned. Right. Right. She was at...Susie's house. Her friend, Susie. Not...Elizabeth laughed nervously.

"Yes, I'm just fine!"

"Oh, good! You really scared me..." Susie looked nervous and upset, and guilt clawed at Elizabeth's stomach. "Were you having another one of those...uh, 'flashbacks'?"

"No, no," Elizabeth lied, tucking her knees under her chin with a smile. She didn't want to scare Susie. Not ever. "Not this time. I just space out sometimes, y'know?"

"Yeah, you space out when you feel bad," Susie muttered. "You said it's because of your 'flashbacks'...."

Elizabeth swallowed. She looked up toward Susie's pretty clock, decorated with flowers. Everything in Susie's room was pretty, including her. It made Elizabeth feel a little jealous, truthfully, but she shouldn't have been...she could come over there whenever she wanted, right? Regardless, the hands on the clock read 5:20; That meant she only had forty minutes 'til six, and it would take at least fifteen of those to get home.

"Cripes, it's almost standing hour...I have to go home now." Susie seemed upset, which made Elizabeth feel bad. "I'm sorry, you know how my dad gets..."

"Yeah, I know..." Susie smiled, taking Elizabeth by the hand to lead her out toward the door. Susie's mothers were talking in the kitchen, and they stopped when they came in; Elizabeth looked at their faces. They didn't seem upset. In fact, they seemed excited.

"Oh, girls!" Susie's mother exclaimed. "You're here! We have some great news for you!"

"Since you two have been so well behaved, and have shown how responsible you are," Susie's other mother knelt to their height, smiling. "We're planning on bringing in a new addition to the family."

Elizabeth's eyes widened. She grinned excitedly, clasping her hand with Susie's.

"In a couple of weeks, we're getting a pet dog!"

Elizabeth gasped, jumping on her heels a bit. "Really?" A dog? A real, live puppy? Father never let them have pets in the house - he was allergic to kitties, he said, and Liz believed him, but she didn't see why that meant they couldn't have other animals....sometimes, Liz wished that she didn't have to leave. Sometimes she wished that Susie's mommies were her mommies, too.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Susie squealed, squeezing Elizabeth's hand.

"We'll have to figure out a name the next time I come over!"

"Oh," Susie's mom seemed to get sad, suddenly. "You're leaving already, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth nodded.

"Are you sure you're okay walking home by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine!" Liz smiled. "I do this often."

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