Locked and Loaded

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Business was rough, lately. All the disappearances were a bad look for Freddy's, Boseman knew that - it wasn't like they were involved, but the general public sure seemed to think that was a case. Could he even blame them? A children's entertainment center pops up, and suddenly kids start going missing? Hell, he wasn't even sure himself that there was no connection. Henry seemed stressed, and it was making Boseman feel guilty; This was this man's business, his lifeblood.

Was this his fault?

"Since Valentino's kid disappeared, we've barely seen a goddamn soul pull into this place," Boseman sighed, tapping his pencil against the table. "The fact that they still haven't found that little girl isn't helping much either...I'm hoping for the sake of the families that they're both found...but also for the sake of our business...."

"Perhaps..." Henry swallowed. "It would be a good idea to close the place for a bit. Wait until this passes. It...isn't helping that the public is putting the blame on the business for the disappearances, even though I don't know how that could possibly be the case..."

Boseman shook his head. "I feel if we closed, it would just make things look worse on our end. This place...these characters...they mean a lot to people. I don't want to see your hard work be tainted by rumors."

"I think we just need something new to draw people in," Henry suggested, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Maybe we could install something new in the arcade...give the place a new paint job..."

"We could, I suppose," Boseman shrugged. "But all of that will take months at the least. There's gotta be something we can do in the meantime..." Boseman glanced back at the stage, where William was fixing a hinge in Spring Bonnie's jaw.

...Wait a second.

"Henry," Boseman turned quickly back toward him, ideas racing around in his mind. "I believe you told me the two older animatronics could be worn as suits back at your old place, yeah?"

"Well, yes," Henry blinked. "The springlock mechanism allows the animatronic parts to be withdrawn and held back using a hand crank, so that someone could climb inside...."

"That's it, then!" Boseman grinned. Perfect. "We can have a little more interactivity with guests in the dining hall. Pictures, autographs, all of the sort. It's perfect!"

Henry shifted uncomfortably.

"...Well, you see, there is a, uh, issue with the mechanism. It is rather...risky to say the least. You have to be extremely cautious while wearing the suit. The springlocks aren't exactly perfect, and too much movement or moisture can...well..cause them to break loose..." Henry flinched, as if remembering something. "And, uh...you can probably guess what that entails..."

"Ah..." Boseman grimaces. He certainly could guess.

"A few years back we had a dangerously close call with the springlocks...Will and I decided to avoid using the suits unless it was really necessary..." Henry paused for a moment, and then sighed. "...But...I still have the instruction manual and the springlock crank in the parts and service room. If you really think it would help the business, then I think it's worth giving it a shot."

"I have faith in you and your creations, Henry," Boseman said earnestly. "You've never let me down. I think this is just the thing we need."

Henry smiled and blushed, giving a quick nod before he looked away.

Henry got up, leaving for only a few minutes before he returned with an old, faded purple spiral notebook. He handed it to Boseman, and he began to flip through it. It seemed relatively straightforward, if a little unsafe.

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