My Brother Vinny

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 Vincent knew that he had just come back from the dead, but man, he really felt like it as he limped his way back to McDonalds. He hadn't felt like this since clowns on the Vegas strip 1978. He bought himself a new drink, went straight into the bathroom, and cleaned himself up.


Without all the blood around it, it was really jarring. There was a bullet hole straight through the center of his throat, no mistake. Vincent had a feeling that if he were to reach around to the back of his neck, he'd find a similar exit wound. He decided not to do that, for fear of scaring himself. Jesus.

It was nothing but eyes on him as he left the McDonalds, not that he cared - he needed to get back home to Scottie.

It was morning by the time he got to the lovebus, and he could hear the TV going inside. He knocked thrice on the door, hearing Scott ring in surprise, and then the shuffling of fabric as he got up. The door opened just a crack, just enough for his husband to peek his head - phone? - out of the door.

""Look, I'd really prefer if you guys called next time you -"


Scott began to shut the door. Vincent sputtered, grabbing the door and shoving his head and shoulder through the gap, wide-eyed - what, didn't he recognize him?

"Hey, hey! It's me, Scottie!" Vincent cried. "What are you doin'?!"

Scott huffed and let the door swing open, but immediately marched away, sitting right back down on the couch with crossed arms. Was Scott...mad at him? Vincent swallowed, turning his wedding band over on his finger. He shut the door behind him as he came in, following Scott and taking an awkward seat beside him. There was silence, for a moment, with Scottie just looking straight ahead before he spoke.

"You always treat things like they aren't serious," Scott said quietly, his voice wavering. Oh, man. He was upset. "H-How am I supposed to react to you coming home in a prison jumpsuit covered in blood looking half-dead when -" Scott trailed off, looking away.

Vincent swallowed.

"Scottie, look, I..." Vincent put his hand over Scott's.

"I was worried sick about you, and -" Scott interrupted, taking his hand away. His glasses were fogging up, and Vincent thought that if he could cry, he would. Guilt was beginning to bubble up in his stomach. "And they didn't even let me come visit you, not even once! I...I just want you to take care of yourself."

"You're right," Vincent said quickly, rushing to cup Scott's face with his hand. "I'm so sorry, I -"

The door slammed open, and Vincent looked over in shock. Willy?

"I knew I'd find ya here!" William cried, seeming elated. "Just had to follow the blood trail!" His brother burst into maniacal laughter, rushing over to him; Vincent wasn't sure what to say. Should he make him leave? William's eyes were glued to his throat. "I can't believe it own brutha - one second a corpse, and now alive again! Looks like my hard work paid off!"

"Dead?" Scott cried. "What do you me -"

"Oi, Vincent!" William interrupted, pulling out a notepad. Vincent wasn't sure he'd ever seen William this happy in his life, even at his wedding. He didn't...know what to think about it. He had a distinct feeling the joy didn't stem from seeing him alive. "Besides the whole cheatin' death thing, anything else new?"

"" Vincent shrugged, rubbing over his chin. "Honestly, not really. Sorry to disappoint."

"You know what?" William fumbled in his pocket. "Why don't you and that phone...Scrote, was it?" He pulled out a vial of the pink stuff that he'd injected him with at the prison, shoving it into a very frightened Scott's hands. "Here's a free sample, on me. You've done your work as my lab rat!" William laughed again, and then, as quickly as he'd come in...left.

Geez. What a guy, his brother.

"What..." Scott stammered. "What was he talking about, Vinny? I don't -" Scott seemed frightened, and confused. Vincent didn't like it. was time that he got serious.

"Scottie, know how my brother is, right? I, uh -" Vincent sighed. He took Scottie's hands in his own, holding them firmly as he looked at his rotary dial. "My whole life, I've always just been doing whatever crazy shit I felt like without even thinking about how it could affect anyone...especially you. It's not fair to you, Scottie. I..." How did he say this? "I died earlier. I was killed for something I didn't even do, and I didn't even think once about how anything that's happened the past few days would affect you, and I'm sorry. I have to be more careful, not just for my sake, but yours too." Vincent pulled Scott into his arms and held him tight, and Scott hugged back. He held him there for a while, his gaze falling on the 'sample' William had left.

If he was going to be immortal, he wanted Scott to be immortal with him.

He'd done it. He'd really, really done it.

Immortality, William thought gleefully, looking at the vial in his hands. Eternal life. Mankind's most ultimate desire...if it was capable of that, it was capable of anything.

It was time to see what else this stuff could do.

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