I Won't Forget

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"Until replacements arrive, employees will be expected to wear the temporary costumes provided. Keep in mind that they were found on very short notice, so questions about appropriateness slash relevance should be deflected...."

"Goodnight, gang!"

As soon as Mr. Guy shut the door, Chica and Foxy got off the stage again.

Every night, they had been doing this. At first, it was just Chica, but since Foxy had gone off to help with that 'party' or whatever, he hadn't been the same either. It wasn't right, and it was beginning to make Freddy uncomfortable - not just him, he figured, as Bonnie looked toward him with concern.

"Uh...Freddy..." he muttered. "They're...doing it again..."

"Yeah," Freddy sighed, shaking his head. "I don't think we can just ignore them anymore....Bonnie, you're coming with me after Foxy." He looked to Fredbear, who, as always, seemed barely conscious. "Fredbear can go check on Chica in the kitchen."

Freddy and Bonnie crept down the hallway, stopping a good distance away from where Foxy was feeling along the wall. It was so weird - almost like he couldn't see well enough.

"Why do you think his jaw's moving like that...?" Bonnie asked in a whisper. "He'll hang it open for a moment, then he just sorta...trembles."

Freddy didn't know. He didn't know if he wanted to.

Foxy had begun to move again, into a room that Freddy knew for sure they weren't meant to be in - it was a locker room meant only for Fazbear employees. Freddy kept back at the doorway, keeping Bonnie there too, and watched in confusion as Foxy seemed to just...go into the wall. Wherever he was going into, his sensors wouldn't let him process it. To him, it just seemed like Foxy was walking straight through the metal.

"Wha - where...where is he -?"


Foxy? Foxy, was he Foxy? Fritz didn't know, he didn't know that name - he couldn't see, just wanted his - his -

Fritz crawled along the tile, feeling around until he came upon a trash can, with his glasses sitting on top. He pulled them out - oh, he didn't feel right, his fingers were just too big - and slid them on. They were cracked, but he could see.

He hated this.

No sooner had Freddy and Bonnie cautiously approached the door than Foxy came bursting out, crying...? No, he wasn't crying, he was...leaking. Freddy watched with awe and disgust as he ran off, leaving a trail of thick, black, oily liquid behind him. He knelt, poking a puddle of the stuff with disgust.

"What the hell is...?" Freddy huffed, and straightened up. "Bonnie, stay here. I'm gonna check up on Fredbear."

Bonnie nodded

It was loud when Freddy approached the kitchen - loud clanging of pots and pans, or maybe...metal on metal, and for a moment Freddy assumed the worst, until he opened the door. Fredbear was there, for sure; Cowering like a baby in the corner while Chica threw cookware haplessly around the kitchen.

"Ugh, really?" Freddy groaned. "What ha-"

"I-I-I don't know what happened!" Fredbear sputtered, seeming panicked. "She just started throwing them around and, and -"

"Calm down," Freddy helped him up, looking over at Chica. She had stopped, staring blankly at a cast-iron skillet in her hand as if she herself wasn't really sure what she was doing. "I think it's fine for now...."

Chica and Foxy did not return to their stage that night. They wouldn't, Freddy expected, until morning.

"There's nothing else we can do for now," he admitted aloud. "When Foxy followed those two...I'm stumped as to what happened between then and him acting all strange...unless...." Freddy thought, for a moment, about that night. About how William, Foxy, and that boy had gone into that room. About how he had only seen William come out. He shook the thought away, scoffing at himself. "No, no. That doesn't even make sense. He wouldn't...."

Would he?

"Play along. Blend in."

Poor souls. Children, Charlotte thought, just like her.

"But stay alert. We cannot allow anything else to happen."

Alas, taken too young - but they would all get their retribution.

"Our time to act will come, and our patience will be rewarded."

Hopefully sooner than later.

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