Poison for Kuzco

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 "The Slenderman was here, wasn't he?"

Mulder looked carefully over the tree, where there was very clearly a face engraved in the wood. He frowned, running a hand over the raised wood and sighing. "Typical case. The missing child is the perfect target for him. Just look at these trees...he's already taken several victims in this town..."

"Would you please take this seriously?" Mulder turned back toward Scully, who looked completely done with him; She ran an exhausted hand over her face. "A child was lost in this town nine months ago in a pizzeria like this one. Doesn't it seem a bit suspicious? The clear conclusion is that one of the two men involved in both establishments had some sort of role..."

"Well..." Mulder frowned, thumbing toward the tree. "You make a good point...but I think we should look into this."

"Wh - PARDON?!" Oops. She was mad ,now. "We're out on a search for a nine year old girl and you're talking about aliens. A real case is on the table and you're fucking ranting about who-knows-what! This girl could be dead! But noooo, pardon me, they must be out celebrating on Mars! Congratulations, Mulder! We might as well wrap things up and say the fucking aliens got the girl!"

Good Cop wished that those two would calm down, he thought, or at least...not be quite so loud in their bickering. They weren't the ones that had to look at that little girl's sobbing parents.

"Mrs. Denver," he said softly. "We're doing all we can to find little Susie. We're about to deploy the volunteer search parties, and we have all of our units on watch for her."

"I-I'm..." Mrs. Denver cleared her throat; her voice was hoarse from crying. "We should have gone after her...if only we..."

"Mrs. Denver..." Good Cop gave a shaky sigh, and turned toward Bad Cop; Bad Cop put a firm hand on his shoulder.

"We have to keep up hope," he insisted. "She has to be out there somewhere." Bad Cop lingered for a moment, and then sighed, gesturing for the meager search party to follow. "Let's move out!"

Why? Why the fuck did nobody listen to her?

"Uncle Henry, I told you we had to look for Susie!" Elizabeth sobbed. Uncle Henry wasn't looking at her; He was staring at the table with a strange look on his face. "Now she's gone missing! They won't even let me help look for her! I..." Elizabeth let her tears fall, taking a seat on the ground as a terrible realization hit her. "I can't stop anything...everyone leaves me." She covered her face. "Why does this keep happening?"

"Elizabeth," Uncle Henry started. Here it came again; Elizabeth, you're just tired. Elizabeth, it'll be okay. Elizabeth, you wanna go to McDonalds and forget all this? God, she was so sick of being treated like -

"You're right."

...a child?

"I..." Elizabeth heard Uncle Henry get up, and felt the warmth of his body as he crouched in front of her, pulling her into a hug. Elizabeth hugged back, sniffling. "I should have listened. I should have done more." Elizabeth felt the back of her pinafore grow damp; was Uncle Henry crying, too?

"Uncle Henry," she said shakily. "What are we going to do? She's my best friend..."

"We have to just hold on," Henry said shakily, "And keep on hoping."

Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and hugged Uncle Henry back tightly, and tried to ignore the creak of the door and her father's gaze boring into her.

William was sick of seeing it, to be frank; Elizabeth was his daughter, not Henry's - sometimes, he thought that they both forgot that, and William hated it. He put too much time and money and energy into raising that little blonde brat to not be receiving the credit for it.

Regardless, now, it was an ample distraction.

William crept unnoticed around the corner, down the hallway, and into the safe room; He had his tools, with him, and a bucket. It was time for a little experimentation.

The only issue, of course, was the smell.

William covered his nose with his hand as the coppery smell of dried blood and rotting flesh attacked his senses. Disgusting. Even in death,

what wait no no wheres my puppy where

that little shit was a nuisance. Typical. William stepped up to admire his work, looking up and down at Chica's empty

not so empty really

shell. She had blood running out of her crevices; but William figured he could clean it up, later. William took his wrench and approached Chica, trying not to look too hard at her empty, soulless sockets. The girl just wouldn't fit

dont hurt me

with the eyes in place; He would fix it later. William took the bird's hand, pushed the wrench under its pinky finger, and pulled it off with a loud crack. William looked over the digit, for a moment; She wouldn't miss it. He moved over to the table, grabbed his lighter, and set the damn thing on fire. The felt covering of the finger lit quickly, and William dropped it against the counter to avoid burning himself. Just like with Charlotte, the finger began to melt - the whole thing flaming and bubbling and dissipating until it was a pile of pink goop.

William was excited.

William procured a vial from his pocket, scooping the glowing pink goo from the table and into the glass tube, careful not to touch it. He grinned, looking over the vial, and then looking up at Chica with a chuckle.

"Just as I thought."

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