Smell Ya Later!

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There was never any business, anymore.

A year ago, William may have been angry or upset, but frankly he wasn't worried - he had bigger things to worry about, now, what with his research. He had so many...ideas, for how he could make Freddy's his perfect little research zone. This was important, after all.

"It's...been really quiet these past few weeks, Mr. Emily," Phil said quietly.

"It's been hard getting any business," Henry admitted. "Especially now with the Pizza Hut closed..."

Despite the Pizza Hut being closed, Vincent continued to come in for shifts. William chose not to comment.

"I really hope that Mr. Boseman is going okay," Phil piped up. "It's been a few days since he's last been here. I'm worried about him, especially hearing now that he and his wife went their separate ways..."

"So am I," Henry said grimly. "But...I understand why he wouldn't want to be here...I know what he's going through." He pushed up his glasses. "I would be doing the same if I were in his shoes. But all we can really do is give him time."

William scoffed and leaned back in his seat.

"The sorry bastard did buy Fredbear's from us, though," he snapped. "The least he could do is show up to his own business." He paused. "Well, former business, soon enough."

Philip and Henry exchanged a look.

"Will," Henry began. "You have to understand."

"Understand?" William laughed. "Hell, the same shit happened to me and you didn't see me whinin'. It's his own damn fault he had us out playing babysitter all the damn time..." Why was Philip looking behind him like that? "...and that's why he should've been here to watch those brats the day they went missing, or else this shit wouldn't have happened."

"Will," Henry snapped. "Stop."

William glanced up and behind him to see Boseman staring down with a heartbroken expression.

Boseman began to march off, with Henry following - oh, no he didn't. William grabbed Henry's arm, his jaw setting. He couldn't take it anymore, this - this - whatever this was. It was like he was fucking nothing.

"What's his problem?" William demanded. "Said nothin' but the truth. Like I said, none of this would've happened if he was actually here to watch his kids. It's his own damn fault."

Boseman stopped, his shoulders tensing, and he whipped around.



"Oh, c'mon now, Boss," William rested his face in his hand. "No need to get upset."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Boseman spat. "You're a father, aren't you? How would you feel if this happened to your kids?"

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William scoffed.

"Well, I wouldn't be enough of a moron to let that happen," he barked back. "Shouldn't have been so careless, Boss." Rage was stewing in his stomach. Every thought he'd been keeping inside was coming out against his better judgment. "At least when Henry n' I ran Fredbear's we managed to actually show up each day. Not like it'll matter much when ya finally give the company back to us. I'm hopin that's what ya came here for and not to waste my time with yer pity party."

"Will, cut it out," Henry stepped in front of Boseman, glaring down at him. That just pissed him off more. "This isn't like you."

"No, no," William rose his brows, tossing a hand up sarcastically. "Seems like Boddy's got a lot to say by the looks of it. And since you're so concerned about me, I'll have you know I'm grateful my brats are still in once piece -"

Boseman pushed past Henry and punched William clean in the face with a loud crack.

William stumbled back, almost falling out of his seat as pain spread quickly through his face, blood gushing down over his lips and chin. He'd broken his nose. That stupid, disgusting, idiotic, Irish fuck had broken his bloody nose. It was okay, he needed - he just needed - William looked up to Henry for help, covering his face.

But Henry was calming down Boseman.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

"Henry!" he shouted, his heart racing. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. "The bastard tried to kill me! You plan on helpin' me clean this shit up?!"

Henry turned toward him without an ounce of sympathy in his eye. There was no kindness, or worry - not even panic, like how he'd looked at him back at the hospital, or when he'd gotten springlocked. There was no gentleness or care or caution, like how he looked at Boseman. Like how he was always fucking looking at Boseman. William couldn't even remember the last time the man had fucking smiled at him. Henry reached up to his face and cracked his nose back into place; He cried out in pain.

"There," Henry said flatly. "That's all I'm gonna do for you. You're an adult, William, you can clean it up yourself." Immediately, he moved back toward Boseman. "I thought you were better than this, Will. I have no idea what's come over you lately, but...this isn't the friend I knew. I don't even know who you are anymore."

Henry didn't recognize him anymore?

Now. Wasn't that a laugh?

William stayed at the pizzeria long after it was closed. He didn't even notice it was time to leave until he heard Philip's voice ring through the empty lobby.

"Uh, Mister Afton?" he called nervously. "Were you planning on staying?"

"What?" William mumbled, sitting up and looking over. Well, at least someone cared enough to check up on him...kind of. "Oh, no. Still a, groggy afta that bastard tried to lob my head off my shoulders."

Philip nodded silently, and held the door open for William as they left, closing and locking it behind him. As William got into his car, he couldn't help but notice a red convertible pull into the lot, pulling up right in front of the Pizza Hut.

"The hell...? Don't these morons know the place is closed?"

It hadn't been an easy escape. A lot of smuggling, and a lot of explosives, and a lot of...crawling through tunnels, but god damn it, Heidi Valentino was out of prison again. They couldn't have really expected her to be in there for more than a year, much less twenty-five of them. She grinned as they pulled up to the Pizza Hut, giving a little salute to her chauffeur friend as she got out.

"Thanks for the ride," she said. Her fellow inmate nodded, and drove off. Heidi sighed with relief, as she stepped inside. She was ready to see her husband and her little boy.

Except...the only person in there was Vincent.

He turned toward her in surprise, but immediately smiled. He looked...different, she thought. Something with his eyes, and his throat was all stitched up - was he okay?

"Captain Valentino!" Vincent cried. "You're back! Hey, don't feel too bad. Just got out of the slammer myself." He laughed. Heidi didn't.

"Vincent?" she glanced around the dim, very empty restaurant. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Uh, I was hoping you could tell me, actually," Vincent mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "Any idea when the boss will be back? I can't figure out how to turn on the lights, and the breaker's shot."

"When was the last time you saw him?" Gino was gone?

"Gee, well..." Vincent frowned. "A week or two ago? He's never been gone this long...he hasn't been showing up much in the first place, not since Fr -" Vincent paused, looking up at Heidi with a sad sort of look in his eyes. "...Oh. Uh...why don't we go sit down?"

Heidi felt sick to her stomach.

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