Foxy Go! Go! Go!

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 William's work was going well.

The remnant, William was choosing to call it, as that was what it was - a remnant, a leftover of something's soul - didn't seem to have much physical change after extraction. He looked over his vials of the swirling pink liquid as he stood in the Fazbear kitchen, scratching down notes in his book. As interesting as the stuff was on its own, William had to wonder what properties the stuff had. If Charlotte's soul inhabiting that puppet was enough to let her act sentiently through it, could it be possible that whatever this was was what was keeping her 'alive'? If that was the case, what would happen when the stuff was applied to somebody that was already living?

There was a shuffle behind him.


William whipped around with a gasp, pressing his back up against the counter. Damn it. It was just the Valentino kid, the one that carried knives for some reason. He laughed, like he thought William's reaction was the funniest thing in the world.

"Sorry!" Fritz shrugged. "I couldn't help myself, Mr. Afton."

"Wh -" William's brow furrowed. "How the fuck did you get in here?"

"You left the door unlocked," Fritz said simply, thumbing toward the exit. William brought a hand to his own face.

"You conniving little shi -"

"Hey, what's that?"

Fritz was pointing behind him, at the large mason jar full of the glowing remnant. William swallowed, turning around and grabbing his notes and the jar and the vials and tucking them away, into a cupboard above the counter.

"Nothing." William spat. "Get the hell outta here."

"Well, obviously it's not nothing. You gotta tell me now."

"I don't have to tell you shit, kid. Go back to your -"

"Ohh - wait, I get it! You made a special sauce, didn't you?" Fritz nodded to himself. "Like the one my mom made for our pizza! My mom is a real genius, yanno. I think it's cool you took inspiration from her! Just make sure you don't get yourself arrested..."

This brat.

"Right," William nodded slowly. "A secret sauce. Very secret. So secret, you can't tell anyone about it, you understand?" Would that be enough? Could William really trust a child to keep its mouth shut about something so important?

"Oh, I won't!" Fritz smiled. "As long as you tell me where Michael is!"

"Michael?" William furrowed his brow. "Why the hell do you want to talk to Michael?"

"I made him a present. I forgot to give it to him after our tea party. It's really important. You know where he is, right?"

William's eyes dropped to Fritz's pocket, where he could see the outline of his knife. No, he decided; He couldn't just let him go. Children were little blabbermouths, after all - he just knew too much, and this one loved to talk. And besides...he could never have too much of the remnant. His work was going so well.

"Oh...yes, I know where he is," William smiled. "He's cleaning up in one of the back rooms. I can take you to him."

William pulled a long, heavy kitchen knife out of the block behind him.

"Awesome! Let's go!"

"It...really is kind of concerning that Chica still hasn't come back from maintenance..."

Foxy looked up when Bonnie spoke; It had been a mostly silent game of Uno. Things were awkward, lately.

"I'm sure she's fine," Freddy insisted, though he didn't look so sure. "She was having a lot of issues with that Janky arm for quite a while..."

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