Lost and Found

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Thanks for partying with us!

This felt...worthless.

Philip didn't know what the hell he was still doing here, in this goddamn pizzeria, when it closed in two days. Nothing was the way it was supposed to be. Boss was gone, the guy who'd gotten him the damn job - the only guy he more-or-less knew at this place. Watching the pathetic stream of customers stream in every other hour felt like an insult.

Maybe it was good this place was closing.

Phil didn't have much more time to sulk - there was a little tug on his sleeve, and he looked down; A child was standing there, looking very concerned. Phil stood up straight.

"Excuse me, mister," the child said quietly. "I think there's something wrong with Fredbear. He's not singing or playing anymore." What a surprise, Phil thought sarcastically - these damn things never stayed together anymore.

"Well, that's no good!" Philip smiled down at the boy. "Let's see what we can do, okay?"

Philip gave the child a pat on the head, and made his way over to Fredbear's stage. He stopped in front of it, looking up anxiously at the animatronic.


This...wasn't right. The damn thing was twitching, leaking...something, oil, maybe? It was just standing there and shaking, its eyes flickering ominously as its jaw fell open. Philip felt queasy. He couldn't let him keep performing like this - he would scare the kids. Hell, he was scaring him. Phil smiled awkwardly, turning to usher the small group of remaining customers out of the Pizzeria. It wasn't like their business was doing much, anyway.

"Sorry guys," he called, voice shaking. "But Fredbear is feeling a little under the weather! I'm sure the rest of the gang will make sure he's in tip-top shape for tomorrow!"

Phil slammed the door shut, locking it with trembling fingers, and sighed. Alright, he guessed he'd have to...fix this thing. Hesitantly, he made his way back over to Fredbear's stage. He was still just standing there, shaking violently. What was Philip even supposed to do about that? Abruptly, Fredbear sprang to life, leaning down in his face and speaking loudly, his eyes flashing.


Philip cried out in shock, stumbling back; Quickly, he grabbed hold of the stage curtains, yanking them shut so he didn't have to look. He took a moment to catch his breath, feeling stupid. A robot. That's all it was; A robot for kids.

He needed a smoke.

Philip pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one, not caring that he was inside - what did it fucking matter, anymore? This place was nothing, it had been nothing for months. It felt like he was the only one who gave a shit around here, at this point. He made his way to the back office, taking a seat at the desk in the dimly-lit room. There was a photo on the desk, of Mr. Emily and Mr. Afton. The company's proud founders.

Yeah, right, he thought. Mr. Afton was...a creep. He didn't know what was wrong with that guy, but he just wasn't a good person. And where was Mr. Emily, now? Hell, where were both of them? Where was Mr. Boseman? Why the fuck was he running this restaurant alone?

Philip smacked the picture off of the desk. The frame toppled off the side, into a wicker trash bin.

Philip took a drag off his cigarette, staring at the posters on the wall, for a moment. He unfastened his name tag, looking at it with disdain. Baby. He wasn't a fucking baby. He was the youngest guy there and somehow, somehow, still the most mature. It was unreal. Philip threw the thing across the room; It hit the wall with a clang and landed on the floor. Phil sighed and leaned back in his seat. There was a sticky nose stuck to the corner of the table, that Phil must've read a thousand times.

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