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 Genius. William Afton was a bloody genius.

"HEEENRYYY!!" William called as he stepped into Freddy's, a grin on his face. He was in very high spirits, today, and why shouldn't he be? He had his business back, he had Henry back - God knows where the Irish prick went off to - and he had lots of fun ideas to share. "I've been working on an idear that I know you're gonna love. I'd luv it if you could take a looksie."

Henry looked up, seeming vague and uninterested. Quite rude. William wasn't bothered, though - he held out his fun ideas folder and batted his lashes, smiling bright.

"Pretty please?"

Henry took the folder with a sigh, shifting his glasses as he opened it up. He narrowed his eyes, and then frowned, exhaling sharply.

"Will, I dunno..." he shook his head. "I don't really see why we would need all of these new characters...shouldn't we use the characters we know the kids love already?"

William's face fell.

"What?" He pointed firmly at the character design sheet. "Don't you see right there? It's Foxy. Bonnie, Freddy too?"

"Well..." Henry frowned. "They're almost unrecognizable at this point..." He pointed at Ballora. "And who the heck is this character?"

William groaned. "Henry, I -"

The door slammed open. Man, William was getting so sick of people doing that.

"Anyone ever tell you it's rude to slam a glass door?" he snapped, looking up. There was a smartly-dressed man in a white suit, standing there. He was tall, with auburn hair and a goatee, orange-rimmed glasses, and a very serious expression. He was holding a metal briefcase.

"Hello, sirs," he said flatly. "Are you the owners of this establishment?"

"Sorry, fella," William waved him off. "We are kinda busy. A little creative differences spat."

"Sorry, sir," Henry gave William a look. What? "We are the owners. What do you need?"

"Word is that the previous owner of this restaurant had relinquished ownership," the man said. "I'm here on behalf of my employer who wishes to buy the rights to your establishment."

Henry seemed taken aback. "Oh...I...."

William rolled his eyes. Maybe this chud would appreciate his idea. He marched right up to the stranger with a grin, holding out his folder and putting a hand on his hip proudly.

"Hey, fella, maybe you could solve this little dispute for us while you're here. Our current place has hit the shitter, so here's my idear for a new animatronic-themed kids' restaurant!" The man took the folder wordlessly. "You don't even gotta tell me, I already know it's gold."

The man adjusted his glasses and furrowed his brow, looking over the folder; His brow twitched curiously, and William felt excited.

"Hm...yes...yes..." the man nodded. "This might be what my employer is looking for." The man pulled out a thick, brick cellular phone - fancy, William thought - and turned away to speak on it for no more than two minutes before he turned back, handing William his folder back. "Would you please present this to him?"

"Roight now?"

"Yes." The man put down the briefcase he'd brought in, and opened it; It wasn't a briefcase at all, but a screen - some kind of weird laptop computer. "Here." William exchanged a glance with Henry, and they both gathered around the device. After a moment, a man popped up on the screen. He looked smartly dressed, but William couldn't really...make him out. He was shrouded in darkness. When he spoke, it sounded strange - warped, almost.

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