The Graff Pink (Part 2)

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I have never felt so hesitant about a job before, I have always enjoyed stealing from the rich, it's a very sweet revenge for what they do to us, but this man is making me have doubts. I cuss under my breath. No, I can't ruin this for the others. They have put so much effort into this.

I am prepared to cast all those thoughts out of my head when my phone buzzes loudly. It's a message from Lanet.

It takes me a few seconds to open it as I contemplate whether to block his number or not. However, I can't decide so I open the message. ′Hey, it's Lanet, are you sleeping already?′

Arg. I groan, put my phone back down, and leave him on read. I am just going to sleep it off, maybe I will wake up tomorrow and he won't be interested anymore. Although the nauseous feeling of disappointment in my gut hopes not.

The next day comes by quickly, I decided to take a walk at a nearby park. I haven't been able to get the thought of robbing Lanet out of my head, it's the fact that he was so open with me when we spoke last night, he wasn't bragging about his wealth or chatting my ears off about himself, he was more interested in me as a person, even though I brushed off most of his questions. He's really different from many people that I've met.

My phone rings loudly and I stop walking to see who it is. My heart beats nervously when I see the blinking screen. It's a call from Lanet.

I bite the inside of my mouth, thinking over whether I should answer or not. But if I didn't want to talk to him I would've blocked him right?

So, I answer the call and immediately his husky voice sounds through the speaker.

"Wow, I didn't think you would answer."

"Well, I didn't think I would either, but here I am," I respond, a little too cocky. There's a long pause before Lanet speaks again.

"How have you been?"

"Fine." Maybe he'll give up if I keep giving short answers.

"I'm sorry, I can't chat for long, I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me two hours from now? I know it's sudden, but I would love to see you again soon."

My mouth opens wordlessly, now I'll admit that he caught me off guard. I thought we would chat until he gets bored of me then move on. At least that's how it went when I was in varsity.

"Uh, I am busy I..." I fumble for an excuse.

"I won't take too much of your time." he pleads.

I want to tell him I want, that lunch would be great, but this is an inconvenience.

"Hey, are you still there?" I should say no, hang up then totally block his number, but instead, I say "Yes, let's have lunch."

"Great, I'll pick you up. Send me your address."

Before I can say anything else, Lanet ends the call.

'I'm going to regret this.' I send him the address of the hotel and then quickly head back to freshen up.

What do people even wear on dates? I only brought a few outfits with me so I don't really have many choices.

Exactly after two hours, Lanet texts me that he's waiting outside.

I know my team won't be happy about this. Dates with the target are a very bad idea.'

My nerves are buzzing slightly as I leave my bedroom and hope they don't ask me any questions.

When I don't see anyone I release a relieved sigh. Lucky me, there's no one here. I try to quiet my steps on the wooden floor, but as soon as I reach the door...

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