A Tour In Town

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                                      LANET HINES' POV

He could get us off the property properly, like a decent person, but he is so rude about it.

"I am very educated and literate." Star stands up for himself. If I'm being honest, it sounds like something Beau would say, so I know where he got that one.

The man angrily points to the big board, which spots a familiar face on it and suddenly I remember where I know this guy from.

I look at Beau and he looks like he could set the man on fire with just his eyes. I see now why he hates the Elite so much, of all places these people could've been they choose the only recreational space this community has.

"We're very sorry sir, we were just leaving." I grab Star's hand and hook my elbow around Beau's arm. As we walk past the man Beau shoulders him so hard that he falls back. I hear the man speak angrily under his breath, but I don't look back.

"Now we have no place to play." Star crosses his arms angrily.

"I'm sorry Star." Beau looks at me with no expression on his face. I can almost see the emptiness in his eyes. He tried so much to help this place, but it seems there's always something else.

"Star what do you say we give Mr. Hines a tour? Star pouts and I see him holding back tears.

"Star?" Beau tries to get his attention again

"There's nothing to see!" He finally breaks down, angry tears spill from Star's eyes. He wipes at his face harshly.

"Hey kiddo, listen to me." I chime in. "This is a small setback and a true engineer does not give up after a minor setback, they keep pushing."

"You know what upsets me, Mr. Hines?" He hiccups

"What is it Star?"

"I am small, if I was older I would have done something."

"It doesn't matter how little or old you are, what matters is that you hold on to your dreams until they happen." I smile gently. His crying is less now, "Playground or no playground, we are still making those swings, we'll find a place for them."

He nods, "You promise?"

"I promise," Beau nods and mouths a thank you, he walks in silence as I chat with Star, his eyes focused straight ahead.

"How about we get some ice cream?" I suggest, trying to soothe the mood

"Oooo Uncle Beau, can we go to the cool gamer place?"

"Of course." I smile when Beau agrees, at least the idea of ice cream made one of them happy.

Twenty minutes later, we are sitting inside a bakery store with a mini play area for the kids.

"Can I please go and play before I get ice cream?" It must be nice being a child, you can easily be cheered by so many things.

"Sure, be back here in 30 minutes." Beau still looks sombre. I'd be bummed too if something like that had happened. They were both really looking forward to today.

"Okay." Star runs off. When I'm sure he is playing well with the other kids, my attention goes to Beau, who is now licking at his ice cream, a little happy.

"If only I knew a while ago that the way to your heart is through ice cream." I tease

"Well, the secret's out the bag now." Beau releases a carefree laugh, a vast difference from the man who hid his emotions earlier.


"I know you have questions. Just spit it out, I'll give answers where I want to." He looks at me expectantly, waiting to hear what I have to ask.

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