The Calm

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That night, a few hours after the show, Lanet has taken me to a spa at his apartment building.

"Thank you for helping me back there."

He says nothing, he smiles at me and pulls me into his chest with a sigh. "I'm just glad Hue is in jail and that you get to start your new life."

"I hope he doesn't get out anytime soon."

"Then we'll push him right back inside."

I sigh into Lanet's chest and decide to let go of the matter.

It doesn't help to dwell on the negatives. I am starting my new job next week, not sure if I want to stay with Lanet or get my own place. Star could come to stay with me and start with school while they rebuild a new one in our district.

Lanet rubs a gentle hand up and down my back, his fingers glide effortlessly over my moist skin.

"I never asked you. How will your family and friends feel about this new life that you're pursuing?"

I sigh deeply before responding. "Well, we all had the same motive. Help the district where we can. So they will be really happy for me and the district." I bite my lip, "Plus they can now focus on themselves and put their skills to good use."

"You don't seem to be that happy."

I carefully move out of Lanet's arms to straddle him, he holds me steady with his fingers interlocked behind my back "I am happy, I am just nervous. I'm moving out of the only life I knew to come to live in the city."

"I understand." Lanet pulls me closer and kisses the top of my head.

We stay in the sauna for some time, talking and sharing industry ideas, until we're both ready to shower.

"Let's shower in my apartment and order dinner, then watch a movie?" Lanet suggests

"That sounds nice."


I sit on a couch in Lanet's bedroom, his head on my lap as we eat our dinner and watch a movie. "I think I'm stuffed, are you still going to eat this or should I put it away?"

"Just put it on the side, I'll take it to the kitchen before bed."

I put the food aside and wipe down my hands, then absent-mindedly comb through Lanet's hair with my fingers.

"Thank you for dinner."

Seeing Lanet so focused on the movie, I whisper, not wanting to disturb him from the romantic comedy.

"Anything for you my love."

I turn my attention back to the movie. The movie is about a young couple, from different religious backgrounds who face pressure daily from family and friends who are trying to force them apart.

"I'm getting tired, do you mind if I go to bed?" Lanet asks

Oh no, I really want to see the rest of the movie.

"Baby?" Lanet kisses my knee while rubbing his hand up and down my shin to get my attention. "What are you thinking about?"

"Do you know this movie?"

"I've only watched it like a hundred times." Lanet huffs out a nervous laugh, before giving me a goofy smile.

I can't help but smile at the silliness of watching the same movie over and over again.

I want to ask him why, but he gets up from my lap and pulls me up to stand.

"Heyyyyy, I am still watching." I groan

"Honestly just watching this movie makes me want to spend more time with you."

He looks down at me and rests his forehead on mine.

"It has a bad ending doesn't it?"

"What's a bad ending to you?"

I take in a deep quiet breath and look up at Lanet, his eyes search mine as if seeking an answer in them.

There was a part in the movie where the man asks the woman to run away with him so that they can get married and live a peaceful life.

Maybe the female refuses to go with her male lover. That's a bad ending to me, but she probably has her life all planned. I think about it a bit more. She loves him, but to leave everything behind is hard. Or maybe she moves away with him and they restart.

Instead of telling Lanet exactly what I think all I say is. "I don't know."

Lanet takes both my hands in each of his. His lips gently hover over mine.

"You're a terrible liar these days." He brushes his lips lightly over mine. It's a brief touch that leaves me yearning for more.

He smiles, almost laughing playfully and I can't help but smile too.

I wonder what she chooses. I feel like I am in the same position after Lanet asked me to come to live with him. How long will he wait for my response? I am not sure yet what it is I want.

Lanet chuckles, "that crease between your eyebrows will give you wrinkles"

He rubs a thumb between my eyebrows. "Tell me what you're thinking."

This time I see no reason not to share my thoughts. "I'm just wondering if I'm just like that girl in the movie."

Lanet looks at me confused.

"I mean, you asked me to move in with you and I wonder if the choice I make will be the right one" I explain

"What?" Lanet cups my cheeks. "You're not like her. Plus look on the bright side, whether you choose to move in with me or not, we'll still be very close to each other."

He wraps my hands around his waist and wraps his around my neck.

I would really love to move in with him, but I also want my own place. I could visit him sometimes and he could visit me. Or I could move in with him and still get my own place that I could sometimes go to. The latter makes me happier.

Lanet watches me with a genuine smile. I can tell he won't mind whatever decision. "There's no pressure Beau, I just..."

"I know, but I've made up my mind."

He looks at me expectantly.

"I would love to move in with you."

"I know maybe it feels..." Lanet pauses to look at me. "Wait what?"

He looks like he just registered what I said, for a short moment he looks surprised. But it's quickly replaced by a big smile.

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you!" He lifts me up and hugs me into his chest.

"Put me down." I fall into a giggling fit.

"With pleasure." He gives me a devious smirk, and instead of putting me down, he walks towards the bed and gently lays me down.

He tries to get up, but I cling to his neck tightly causing him to fall onto my chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" I spread my legs so he is resting in between them.

"I was just about to..." Lanet finishes his sentence by running his lips up my chin to my ear.

I release a soft sigh; Every touch of his lips to my skin sends heat coursing through me.

His hands move to my hips, shifting me back so I am at the head of the bed, supported by pillows.

I look up at Lanet and catch his eyes looking right at me with hot intensity.


He just shrugs and places soft kisses on both my eyes. "You are so beautiful."

I smile at him shyly and gently pull his head to rest on my chest.

A few months ago I wouldn't have imagined that I'd be in love, let alone even get some rest from the constant need to want to fix everything in my community.

Here I am today, in love with an Elite, people that I've always despised.

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