Chaprter 16: Until the Multiverse Falls Apart

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It was just another Thursday night for Miles. Although there hadn't been any school today he still had a good amount of homework to slog through. He had almost finished but was stuck on one sole, Physics 2 problem.

He sat at in his dorm room in Ganke's spinning chair that was positioned in front of their desk. He bit his lip as he repeatedly tapped his pencil on the table as his mind whizzed through every possible answer. He checked the time on his phone and sighed. Ganke wouldn't be back for until morning because he had spend the day with his parents, so Miles couldn't ask his for help.

The boy lolled his head back with a groan, the chair leaning backward with his weight.

A smile suddenly broke onto his face as an idea popped into the boy's head. He pulled out his phone and his call. It rang a few times before Gwen's voice sounded through the device.

"Miles?" the voice was muffled and crackly due to all the noise on the other side.

Miles couldn't help, but grin at the sound of her voice, his voice cheery as he spoke, "Hey Gwen, you got a minute?"

"Not really. I'm kinda busy," her voice sounded tired and strained, though Miles didn't take any notice.

"But this is really important," Miles urged. It was. Miss Allen was already not fond of him and he had done his homework for the past so lessons. If he didn't finish a third time he'd be sent to the office, for sure and his dad would not be happy to hear that.

Miles hears Gwen sigh and his brows crease together in confusion. Her voice comes out lined with an annoyance that Miles catches onto instantly. "Miles, for the last hour and a half, I have been following a lead on an undercover drug cartel. Now tell me, what is so important?"

Miles lips purse together as he lets a silence fall between them. What was he supposed to say now?

"I... have a really hard physics problem."

"Goodbye, Miles."

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" he stammers, "To be fair I had no idea about the drug people stuff. Also do you need help?"

"I've got this. Plus, you can't go out as Spider-man."

Miles scratches the back of his head, "Oh... right."

"You already have gone out. Haven't you?"

"I... No?"

She sighs heavily, and Miles can almost feel the stress and annoyance seeping through her voice, "You're such a bad lier. I've got to go, Miles."

Miles, hears a loud boom in the background followed by swooshing gusts of wind. He eyes widened as he shot up from his seat, knocking it over in the process, and he almost yelled, "Have you been in the rain all this time?!"

"Miles seriously, I have to go."

"You're gonna get sick," he continued, ignoring her statement.

"I won't get sick."

"You probably just jinxed yourself."

"You're so-"

"It's Ghost-Spider! Shoot her!" Miles hears a the sound of a raspy voice.

The last thing words he heard is Gwen mutter an, "Oh crap," before there's a loud crash, followed by an on slot of gunshots. The sound rippled through the phone making Miles's ears ring.

"Gwen? Gwen! Are you alright? Gwen!"

He listened as the was a faint shuffling on the other line, followed by more pops from the sound of bullets bouncing off metal.

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