Chapter 18: Chase

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"Dude this is awesome! I can see everything you see!"

The Ganke's excited words rang in Miles's ear. The boy winced at the loudness.

Ganke had always been very tech-y. He loved programming, coding, and all that other stuff that Miles didn't understand. Still it was really helpful.

Together, the two boys had equipped Miles's Spider-man suit with an earpiece, tracker, and Ganke had placed a tiny camera in the lenses that fed a live video to his laptop.

Now the two were taking it for a test run... or test swing as Miles had called it.

Miles had perched himself high up on a building as he overlooked the populated streets of Brooklyn.

"This is literally so cool!"

Miles cringed at the sound. "Ganke," he groaned, "A little loud, man"

"Oh, sorry," Ganke answered in a hushed voice.

"So it works pretty well, Yeah?" Miles asked as he leaned back, letting his legs dangle over the edge of, what he thinks was a law firm, "The picture is clear? You can see where I am?"

"Yup, says here you're two block's down from Carl's Bodega."

At just the mention of the place with the absolute best sub sandwiches in Brooklyn, Miles's mouth began to water. "I'll definitely be stopping there before headed back," he hummed, swinging his legs back and forth like a little kid.

"Wait," Ganke announces, before there's a brief pause leaving Miles's brows furrowed in confusion, "You might have to make a little detour first."

"Yeah?" the boy exclaimed, already feeling his excitement building, "What's the commotion?" He had been taking a break from the suit like Peter and Gwen had told him to, only going out every once and awhile, and he missed it. He was so used to always being on the move- always fighting or swinging above the city that he just felt... adrenaline deprived.

"Car chase," Ganke replied in his serious tone, "They're headed your way."

As if on cue, Miles heard the sound of sirens in the distance, it's volume gradually growing as they neared him. Miles pumped his fist in the air and let out a small, "Yes!"

"We're not gonna get in trouble, right?" Ganke asked, a bit concerned, "Because, I know you're supposed to be laying low."

"I might get in trouble, but why would you?" Miles laughed as he crouched down, ready to leap from his spot as soon as the stolen car rounded the corner.

"I don't know. I just don't want your spider friends to come web me up in my sleep, because I helped you."

"You know that is actually a pretty cool idea," Miles snickered, "You better watch out."

"I probably just shouldn't have said anything."

The young hero sees the bright flashes of red and blue round the corner. He chuckled lightly at his friends comment, "Yup, probably not."

With that, he hears the screeching of tires a small, red Honda, that was probably about ten years old, skidding around the corner, followed by three police cars. Miles smirked to himself as he swiftly hurled himself forward, flattening his arms against his sides as he brings himself into a steady dive.

He landed roughly on a the hood of the stolen car- quite heroically in his opinion- and clearly startled the driver by the way the car swerved of the road before correcting itself.

With the sirens blaring in his ears, Miles crawled onto the side on the car, giving the window two light taps. The boy watched as the driver craned his neck to look at him, his face instantly going white as a sheet. The man looked to be in his early thirties. He had a faint beard only a bit of scruff visible, messy, brown curls, and and hazel eyes that had dilated in shock.

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