*Chapter 1 Part 1* Boring day?

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*The wind was blowing harshly, as it poured down from the sky, the sounds of running footsteps true the puddles, followed by giggling and laughter.*

Jake: come on we are gonna get drenched!!

*jake was griping his hat so it wouldn't blow off his head as he dragged his friend inside the shopping center*

Max: HAHA, OK we are in. Now let's get to the fountain the others should be there!

*The boys catch their breath as they hurry down to the fountain in the center of the busy shopping center. It was a very big shopping center with 4 floors that's not including the ground floor and the underground parking.*

Jake: pat you blind bat we are over here!!

Pat: I can't see idiots sorry I can only hear you, oh hi max!

Max: oh you can see me though?

Pat: yes!

Jake: bruuuuhhh your rud

*they turn their heads as they hear someone yelling when they realize its there friend Preston running at them*

Preston: I'm here!!!

Max: alright where Are Anna, jenny, and Ben?

Preston: Anna isn't feeling well so she is at home. Ben is getting his driver's license and jenny is somewhere in town.

Max: alright then, you guys want to get some ice cream and go shopping?

Pat: no I came to a shopping center to look at the walls!

Max: stop with the sarcastic comments, please.

Pat: damn some people can't take a joke.

*they all look at him annoyed"

Pat: OK god calm down.

*they got to a small ice cream shop on the ground floor, and they each ordered a different flavor and ate it while walking around the mall laughing at crappy jokes and having a good time.*

Jake: did you guys hear about that new voodoo-type shop that opened up?

Preston: oh yeah apparently it sells a lot of old stuff even some legendary book about monsters.

Pat: you 2 are like toddlers Vulnerable to everything.

Max: I kind of have to agree sorry.

Jake: how could you my own, friend?

Preston: anyways we should go there!

Jake: hell yeah let's go!

*they start heading to the voodoo shop on the 3rd floor as they enter they are struck by old books and statuses old markings scrolls you name it!*

Pat: we just went back in time I swear.

Preston: dude look at the cool Pentagon on the wall!!

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